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Brexit delay looms after MPs reject fast-track timetable



Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a major setback yesterday in his quest to take Britain out of the European Union (EU), losing a critical vote in parliament and raising the prospect he might shelve his withdrawal deal and toss the debate over Brexit to the voters in an election.

Johnson’s latest defeat came only 30 minutes after his first victory in parliament. Lawmakers granted preliminar­y approval to the withdrawal deal he struck with the European Union (EU) last week, a major step towards achieving the prime minister’s goal and one that broke a string of defeats for him.

But the lawmakers refused in a crucial follow-up vote to put legislatio­n enacting Britain’s departure on a fast track to passage, which could have enabled Johnson to meet his deadline of leaving the EU by October 31.

The back-to-back votes captured the one-step-forward, one-step-back nature of the Brexit saga. While lawmakers endorsed the contours of Johnson’s plan — something they had never done for his predecesso­r, Theresa May — they balked at being stampeded into passing the necessary legislatio­n in three days.

The EU will now have to decide how long an extension to grant Britain. Johnson had said earlier yesterday that if the deadlock slipped into next year, he would rather pull the legislatio­n altogether and face the voters, calculatin­g that he could still win a popular mandate for a swift Brexit.

But if the EU offers only a short-term extension of a few weeks, Johnson might well continue battling for passage of his Brexit blueprint, betting that the pressure would increase on parliament to pass a deal that its members had already shown support for in principle.

Less time for scrutiny

Some critics noted that the legislatio­n — which runs into 435 pages, including annexes, and would have profound consequenc­es for the future of the country — was going to have less time for scrutiny in the House of Commons than a recent bill prohibitin­g the use of wild animals in travelling circuses.

On a day that encapsulat­ed both the high drama and recurring gridlock of the Brexit

I will in no way allow months more of this. If parliament refuses to allow Brexit to happen, I must say that the bill will have to be pulled and we will have to go forward to a general election. I will argue at that election: ‘Let’s get Brexit done.’” Boris Johnson | British Prime Minister

debate, Johnson implored parliament to pass both the agreement and the enacting legislatio­n by tomorrow, calling it the last chance for Britain to make an exit from Europe with a deal in hand.

“I will in no way allow months more of this,” Johnson insisted at the beginning of hours of heated debate.

“If parliament refuses to allow Brexit to happen,” he said, “I must say that the bill will have to be pulled and we will have to go forward to a general election. I will argue at that election: ‘Let’s get Brexit done.’”

Whether Johnson is serious about shelving his own deal — or was simply using it as a threat to pressure wavering lawmakers — was open to interpreta­tion. But it made for another day of political theatre in the House of Commons, where lawmakers rose one after another to condemn the government’s strong-arm tactics or to plead for an end to the endless frustratio­n of Brexit.

“The devil is in the detail,” said the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, “and having seen the detail it confirms everything we thought about this rotten deal: a charter for deregulati­on across the board, paving the way for a Trump-style trade deal that will attack jobs, rights and protection­s.”

The devil is in the detail and having seen the detail it confirms everything we thought about this rotten deal: A charter for deregulati­on across the board, paving the way for a Trump-style trade deal that will attack jobs, rights and protection­s.” Jeremy Corbyn | Labour Party leader

A kind of poison pill

Other Labour lawmakers promised to push for a series of amendments to the deal that could act as a kind of poison pill: Demanding that there be a second referendum on whether to leave the EU or putting all of the United Kingdom into the EU’s customs union — a provision that helped torpedo May’s withdrawal agreement with Brussels earlier this year.

 ?? AFP ?? Pro and anti-Brexit protesters wave flags and hold banners as they demonstrat­e outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on Monday.
AFP Pro and anti-Brexit protesters wave flags and hold banners as they demonstrat­e outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on Monday.

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