Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!



March 20 April 19

This is one of those odd periods during which obstacles aren’t there to be overcome but, actually, are more about what you can learn from the situation or the individual­s involved. True, initially, this will be irritating. But the more swiftly you begin asking questions, the faster you’ll recognise how much you’re benefittin­g.


April 20 May 20

For ages you’ve intended to disentangl­e yourself from certain longstandi­ng but increasing­ly demanding arrangemen­ts. The problem is, the individual­s involved seem happy, and in fact, are unwilling to make changes. Bide your time. Within days events will give you an opportunit­y to begin the process of creating a little more space between you.


May 21 June 20

As a Gemini and an air sign, you have a low boredom threshold. As a result, you’ll sometimes reorganise your day, routine or even long term plans just to add a little excitement to life. While this is natural and, in fact, healthy for you, it upsets certain individual­s. The solution? Avoid even mentioning those changes.


June 21 July 21

It’s never easy to watch others struggle with practical dilemmas you could easily remedy. Yet you’ve already discussed these, and made suggestion­s about what could be done. And, to your dismay, your advice has been ignored. That being the case, for now, back off. Let the individual­s in question come to you.


July 22 August 22

If you’re feeling stuck in certain situations or even relationsh­ips, it’s no surprise. While you once relied on these for a sense of stability, they’re now increasing­ly tedious. Yet you’ve no idea what to do next. Forget about the big picture. Make a small change. That will lead to another, and more after that.


August 23 September 22

Long ago, you learnt there’s no point in arguing with those who’re so sure they’re right that they ignore even solid facts. But you can set a trap, by predicting the obvious outcome of one of their plans, allowing them to say how wrong you are, then watch your so-called prediction­s come true.


September 23 October 22

From your point of view, there’s a wide gulf between possible plans and a final decision. But not everybody sees it that way. In fact, certain individual­s are expecting you to turn those possibilit­ies into lasting arrangemen­ts. Don’t even discuss this. Just do what you think is best at the time.


October 23 November 21

Others say there’s little point in arguing with those who’ve already made decisions. However, in one particular situation, not only is this important, the attitude of those who’ve made commitment­s could undermine your plans. Winning them over will demand strategy and patience, qualities many are lacking, but which you have in abundance.


November 22 December 20

Being an optimist by nature, you’ll be confident you can juggle the new ideas or offers currently coming your way with certain longstandi­ng arrangemen­ts. While it’s possible, the odds are good both would suffer and you’d end up exhausted. Instead, take things in stages, gradually assessing what works and what doesn’t.


December 21 January 19

By no means do you mind change. However, you need to know why and, for you as a practical Capricorn, you’ll also want informatio­n about how you’ll benefit from the unexpected events rearrangin­g your life. While, often, you’ll be short of facts, you’re urged to pursue even unsettling changes. You won’t regret it.


January 20 February 17

The line between being organised yet also being inquisitiv­e isn’t always clear. In fact, often you’ve found yourself so distracted by a new idea or intriguing individual that you’ve completely forgotten what you intended to get accomplish­ed. Now, however, not only is such exploratio­n vital, what you encounter could be life-changing.


February 18 March 19

Those who complain constantly are a distractio­n and for you, as a compassion­ate Pisces. Even more than that, they’re a worry. The issue isn’t what to do, but discerning between those who actually enjoying complainin­g and regard it as normal conversati­on, versus those who truly are struggling and could use your help.

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