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Why 6-yearold kids are biggest obstacle to economic recovery



When New York City decided to reopen its school system, the nation’s largest, on a part-time basis in September, it set off a new child care crisis that could seriously threaten its ability to restart the local economy and recover from the coronaviru­s outbreak.

Business and union leaders said the city needed to mount a kind of Marshall Plan-like effort to find child care for many of the system’s 1.1 million students when they are not in classrooms. They said there was no way the economy — from conglomera­tes in midtown Manhattan to small businesses in Queens — could fully return to normal if parents had no choice but to stay at home to watch their children.

The concerns reflected a growing recognitio­n across the nation that the reopening of schools is now the linchpin in the broader effort to undo the severe economic damage from the outbreak. New York City alone is facing its worst financial crisis since the 1970s, with an unemployme­nt rate hovering near 20 per cent.

“There is no discussion of this right now that’s serious,” said Kathryn Wylde, chief executive of the Partnershi­p for New York City, whose members include the city’s biggest private-sector employers. “There is not a serious solution. Which means that people will not be able to go back to work.”

Under the plan announced by Mayor Bill de Blasio this week, classroom attendance would be limited to only one to three days a week in an effort to protect public health. The city’s approach is similar to that being followed by many school districts, which are concerned that crowded schools might intensify the outbreak.

Harsh reality

The decisions on school reopenings are also fuelling a contentiou­s political debate over whether elected officials, educators and public health experts are moving forward too cautiously, even as the number of virus cases soars in the United States.

President Donald Trump and his aides are putting pressure on state and local officials to bring children back to classrooms full time this fall, saying the fate of the economy depends on it.

“Parents have to get back to the factory,” Alex Azar, the federal health and human services secretary, said this week. “They’ve got to get back to the job site. They have to get back to the office. And part of that is their kids, knowing their kids are taken care of.”

But some educators and public health experts said they were worried that fully reopening the schools before the outbreak is contained could recklessly lead to the spread of the virus.

A flurry of recent announceme­nts on school reopenings has left families grappling with the harsh reality that they may not be able to fully return to work until there is a vaccine or effective treatment.

Children in Seattle will likely return to school only one or two days a week, and students in Los Angeles County, home to the country’s secondlarg­est school system, may not be able to return to classrooms at all next month if cases continue to increase in the region.

In New York, Jane Meyer, a mayoral spokeswoma­n, said that the city had begun reaching out to the business community and that it would announce child care options in the coming weeks. “We know working families are trying to put the pieces together and make this work, and we are laser-focused on providing solutions,” she said.

The school reopening plan will add to the complexiti­es businesses face in juggling work and child care. Big companies have been scrambling to make workplaces safe and sanitary, but many have said that creating space in their buildings for schoolchil­dren would raise too many liability issues.

Confusion and anxiety

Some employers said they did not expect most parents to return to work without a normal school schedule. Leaders of the city’s big labour unions said many members had been looking after the children of those whose jobs were considered essential. Before many of the others could return to work, union leaders said, they would need safe spaces for their own children.

While employees who have been working from home during the pandemic might have some flexibilit­y, that is not the case for many low-income families and essential workers.

Unions that represent essential workers say many members face child care difficulti­es in normal times and now are being forced into an even worse predicamen­t.

“Many of our members live in households where all of the adult members work staggered schedules to deal with child care,” said Kyle Bragg, president of 32BJ Service Employees Internatio­nal Union, which represents 85,000 building cleaners, security guards, doormen and airport workers in New York.

Public school parents will not learn what days their children can attend school until August, so it will be difficult for working families to let their employers know before late summer when they can show up in person. Working parents have expressed confusion and anxiety about the prospect of a part-time return to schools without a

It would be great for employees to have child care… We definitely would like to hire back one or more of them.”

child care plan. David Segal, a sanitation worker who lives in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, said he and his wife had been “pulling out our hair trying to figure out child care” for their two young children. His older child was set to start prekinderg­arten this fall.

Private day care

If Segal’s son can attend school only once or twice a week, his wife, who works in a clothing store, would have to significan­tly reduce her hours. “I’m not sure how we will pay the bills,” Segal said, adding that a private day care could cost more than his wife’s annual income. “It’s insane that no political leaders have any answers for working-class parents.”

About 40% of New Yorkers think a full-time return to school this fall is a good idea, according to a recent Marist poll.

Jose Maldonado, secretary-treasurer of UNITE HERE Local 100, said 15,000 employees in his 18,000-member union were laid off because of the coronaviru­s and were eager to get back to work. Many of those members had jobs serving food in cafeterias, delis and airports. Those who have kept working have had laid-off workers care for their children, Maldonado said.

“There’s a child care crisis coming,” said Michael Mulgrew, president of the city’s teachers union, which represents about 75,000 classroom teachers.

Flexibilit­y to fall

Thousands of teachers who have spent months juggling remote learning for their students and their own children will now have to figure out how to return to school full time while their children go back only a few days a week.

“Every way that you look at it, it feels impossible” to plan for fall, said Emily James, a mother of two who teaches high school English in Brooklyn. “The city has to come up with some way to provide child care instead of trying to make everything work through the schools,” she said, adding that she was nervous about whether teachers would be safe returning to buildings.

Some experts say they worry that the flexibilit­y some companies offered on child care in the spring will wane come fall. This week, a woman in California sued her former employer, claiming she was fired because her young children made noise during calls while she was working at home.

“As we start talking about reopening, there’s almost this compassion fatigue, that I’ve put up with you and your lack of child care long enough,” said Brigid Schulte, who runs the Better Life Lab at New America, a research group.

Unrealisti­c ideas

The city’s employers are also desperate for clarity on school reopening and child care. Miriam Milord, owner of BCakeNy, a bakery in the Prospect Heights section of Brooklyn, said, “It would be great for employees to have child care.”

This summer, a teenage girl from the neighbourh­ood has been supervisin­g Milord’s 12-yearold son and a few of her employees’ children at her house while the parents bake and sell cakes.

Milord said she laid off 10 of her 16 workers but had brought four of them back. Some are single mothers who would need child care on the days their children are not in the classroom. “We definitely would like to hire back one or more of them,” Milord said. “But what’s the plan?”

Wylde said she had heard suggestion­s about how the private sector could pitch in to provide space for students when they are not in school, including using empty hotel ballrooms and auditorium­s and even vacant storefront­s.

Sweeping plan

But she said those ideas seemed unrealisti­c given the huge number of students involved and the potential liabilitie­s. Finding enough space would require a sweeping plan — one, she said, that would rival the Marshall Plan, which provided aid to Western Europe after World War II. Such an endeavour would also dwarf the largely successful effort in 2014 to create space for universal pre-K.

City officials have not yet formally proposed any of these ideas to the business community, she said. For now, working families are left in limbo, fearful for their own livelihood­s and for the city’s future.

Miriam Milord | Owner of BCakeNy bakery

As we start talking about reopening, there’s almost always this compassion fatigue, that I’ve put up with you and your lack of child care long enough.”

Brigid Schulte | Who runs Better Life Lab

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 ??  ?? From left: Jayden Milord, Skye Sheffield, Dara Roach and Miriam Milord outside of BCakeNy. Miriam used a teen to supervise her son and her employees’ children this summer.
From left: Jayden Milord, Skye Sheffield, Dara Roach and Miriam Milord outside of BCakeNy. Miriam used a teen to supervise her son and her employees’ children this summer.
 ?? New York Times ?? Emily James with daughters Natalie (left) and Alessandra. She teaches high school English in Brooklyn and feels the city has to come up with child care plans.
New York Times Emily James with daughters Natalie (left) and Alessandra. She teaches high school English in Brooklyn and feels the city has to come up with child care plans.
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