Gulf News

A healthy routine can keep pandemic stress at bay

As pandemic shock dies down, adjusting to the new reality can be a challenge

- DUBAI Gulf News Report

The initial shock triggered by the pandemic is over and we are in the adjustment phase where we need to learn to live with the current reality to keep stress levels down, a psychiatri­st said.

“We need to adapt in order to stay fit mentally. With Covid19, it means that while you adapt to the new normal, you also follow all precaution­s to ensure you are staying safe and protecting your loved ones,” Dr Khawla Ahmad Al Mir, consultant psychiatri­st at Rashid Hospital, said.

“This essentiall­y means that you are not in denial and are doing everything you can while accepting that there is pandemic.” Mir added that it is important to stick to routines and timetables without being too rigid, but at the same time, not letting a very fluid routine get in the way of day- to- day tasks. “I strongly urge those who do not exercise to take up an activity— it could be simple exercises for 30 minutes on the mat or awalk outside nowthat the weather is cooler. Connecting with nature is therapeuti­c in many ways so combine spending time outdoors with exercise, but of course make sure you wear a mask and follow all precaution­ary measures in line with government­al regulation­s,” she said.

See profession­al help

She also encouraged community members who are not able to cope with the stress to seek profession­al help.

“Some level of stress is normal in a situation like this, but if it reaches unmanageab­le levels for long periods of time where, for instance, you can’t get out of bed, or do daily tasks, or you keep getting negative thoughts, it is time to seek profession­al help.”

Realistic expectatio­ns

Mir advised people to have realistic expectatio­ns and embrace the current situation.

“Women in particular should make sure they do not take on too much and find time for themselves. They should share house chores with their husbands and children,” she said.

Job insecuriti­es

“The current situation also poses stresses which cannot be changed such as job insecuriti­es. Although certain amount of forward planning and strategisi­ng is important to prevent sudden setbacks, overthinki­ng is definitely not helpful for the mind,” Dr Al Mir said.

Calm down

“Finally, it is important to adopt calming down activities such as yoga, meditation or journaling and practice it daily even if it is for 15 minutes. Your mind is the backbone to health and wellbeing, take time out to protect and nurture it,” she said.

 ??  ?? Planning for things like job loss and reduced income is good, but overthinki­ng is definitely not helpful for the mind.
Planning for things like job loss and reduced income is good, but overthinki­ng is definitely not helpful for the mind.

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