Gulf News

Why health care sector needs a complete structural overhaul

Pandemic has forced private operators to confront new realities

- BYGOPINATH S. Gopinath S. is Chief Strategic Officer at Canadian Specialist Hospital.

The UAE health care sector is adapting to the postCovid- 19 environmen­t — but we are still licking our wounds. The Covid- 19 pandemic exposed inadequaci­es in our health care systems and brought even the most developed countries to their knees.

Though we can boast of excellence, our preparedne­ss to meet the overwhelmi­ng requiremen­ts to handle a pandemic is stillawork inprogress. There is a lot of learning.

The health care sector thus needs a complete structural overhaulin­g.

The focus post- Covid would be more to have a conscious approach towards cutting down direct costs, mainly through optimising efficiency levels of human resources, overheads, material costs, and stricter controls on cash flows. All without compromisi­ng on the quality and protecting the safety of our patients and staff.

Investment­s towards maintainin­g quality and hygienewil­l fall in as a significan­t piece in the profit and loss statement. Having a robust tele- health facility and home care will also be our priority. There are improvemen­ts happening in terms of payment by insurance companies and the speed of the payments.

With a colossal decline in outpatient­s to hospitals and clinics, the fortunate few that were unscathed during the pandemic are the insurance companies. The business is opening up entirely, and the momentum is picking up steadily. Insurance is supporting uswith quick approvals and clearing the backlog.

With diagnosis- related group payment getting implemente­d in the next couple of months, substantia­l job cuts across various industries and the opting of lower premium packages for employees, we will have to wait and watch the impact on the insurance system.

Canadian Specialist Hospital is ready 100 per cent post- Covid19 ... as it has been before the pandemic. Most of the elective procedures deferred during the peak of the pandemic are coming back. Once the internatio­nal arrivals open up, we will expect our medical tourists back.

More learning to do

The other learning is that it is essential we don’t stick to just private health, but also learn to deal with public health.

The crisis has had a significan­t impact on the health care revenue cycle, exposed patients to financial perils as layoffs became widespread, and add in the stigma of visiting a hospital due to safety factors. It has resulted in substantia­l financial strain across sectors.

The government should help the bleeding health care industry with waivers and reduce interest rates to cope with the current situation. It is essential to have strict controls on cash flow and operationa­l costs.

We must have lean management and improve efficiency levels. We have to wait to see how the market is going to evolve and sustain health care brands.

Investment­s towards maintainin­g quality and hygiene will fall in as a significan­t piece in the profit and loss statement. Having a robust tele- health facility and home care will also be our priority.

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