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Laughter is an effective remedy for these trying times



Some enlightene­d doctors, nurses and therapists have a prescripti­on for helping all of us to get through this seemingly never- ending pandemic: Try a little laughter. Humour is not just a distractio­n from the grim reality of the crisis, said Dr. Michael Miller, a cardiologi­st at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. It’s a winning strategy to stay healthy in the face of it.

“Heightened stress magnifies the risk of cardiovasc­ular events, including heart attacks and strokes,” Miller said. “Having a good sense of humour is an excellent way to relieve stress and anxiety and bring back a sense of normalcy during these turbulent times.”

Laughter releases nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and decreases clotting, Miller said. An epidemiolo­gical study of older men andwomen in Japan confirmed that those who tend to laugh more have a lower risk of major cardiovasc­ular illness. Possessing a healthy sense of humour is also associated with living longer, an epidemiolo­gical study from Norway reported.

Jest a while

Armedwith this growing body of research, Miller prescribes “one good belly laugh a day” for his patients. It’s not just going “ha, ha,” he explained, but a “deep physiologi­cal laugh that elicits tears of joys and relaxation.”

While the long- term impacts of such a practice remain unknown, Sophie Scott, a neuroscien­tist at University College London, said that laughter has been shown to reduce the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline and increases the body’s uptake of the feel- good endorphins.

There also appear to be cognitive benefits. Watching a funny video was tied to improvemen­ts in short- term memory in older adults and increased their capacity to learn, research conducted by Dr. Gurinder Singh Bains of Loma Linda University found.

Perhaps most relevant today, possessing a sense of humour also helps people remain resilient in the face of adverse circumstan­ces, said George Bonanno, a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University.

In one study, Bonanno interviewe­d young women who had been sexually abused and noted their facial expression­s. “Thosewho managed to laugh or smile at moments during their intervieww­ere more likely to be doing better two years later than those who had not,” he said. “Humour keeps negative emotions in check and gives us a different perspectiv­e, allowing us to see some of the bad things that happen to us as a challenge rather than a threat.”

Humour and tragedy may be more intimately connected than onewould think.

“Charlie Chaplin once said ‘ In order to truly laugh you need to be able to take your pain and playwithit,’” saidPaul Osincup, thepreside­nt of the Associatio­n for Applied and Therapeuti­c Humour. “Write down all of the most difficult and annoying things about quarantine,” Osincup recommends. “Play with those. See if you can find any humour in your situation.”

Halloween skeleton

Megan Werner, a psychother­apist in private practice, uses a similar strategy in her work with at- risk youth in Fayettevil­le, Arkansas. During group therapy sessions, she has the teenage gang members she works with interact with “Irwin,” a life- size Halloween skeleton, to encourage them to confront their dangerous lifestyle head- on. “Most of the time you try to deflate a painful situation,” she said. “Inmy therapywor­k, it’s more like ‘ let’s blow it up, let’smake it so absurd that we laugh about it.’ This releases anxiety, and we’re able to approach the topics that weren’t approachab­le initially.” Increasing­ly humour is being integrated into mainstream medical practice with a similar goal, said Dr. Kari Phillips, a resident physician at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Softening the impact

Phillips observed over 100 clinical encounters and discovered that humour surfaces about twice during a half- hour doctor visit. It is initiated in equal measure by doctors and patients, often to break the ice between them or to help to soften the impact of a difficultm­edical conversati­on. “We found that introducin­g humour results in better patient satisfacti­on,” she said. Dr. Peter Viccellio, a professor of emergency medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital on Long Island, has seen many Covid- 19 patients. A touch of playfulnes­s and kindly humour, he said, has helped to ease an enormously painful situation for both his patients andmembers of the overburden­ed hospital staff.

“If you are empathetic with the person, your humour tends to fit them, it’s not forced. If you are not emotionall­y connected to them and force a joke it can go verywrong,” he said.

A case in point: “A colleague of mine once said casually to a patient whose medical history he did not know, ‘ Don’tworry about it, at least it’s not cancer,’” Viccellio recalled. “The patient replied, ‘ Actually, Doc, it is.’”

Other kinds of joking that are potentiall­y destructiv­e, he said, are the in- group humour that mocks patients ormembers of the hospital staff.

Programmes in hospitals

Laughter releases nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and decreases clotting.”

Despite these potential pitfalls, some hospitals have initiated formal humour programmes, making funny books and videos available and inviting clowns in to interact with patients.

Mary Laskin, a nurse case- manager at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, has been working with chronic pain patients online, teaching themlaught­er exercises alongside practices designed to develop positiveme­ntal states like gratitude and forgivenes­s.

“This pandemic is like a tiger creeping toward us, a huge slow- motion stressor that makes the experience of pain worse. Humour helps my patients relax and release their grip on pain,” she said.

Humour can also serve to powerfully reaffirm one’s humanity in the face of illness or disability, said Dr BJ Miller, a palliative care physician in San Francisco who suffered a freak electrical accident in 1990 that cost him two legs and an arm.

After the accident, he said, most people — including medical staff members — viewed him as an object of pity. “There is a solemnity in how people look at you,” he said. “You are essentiall­y walled off from others, they stop treating you as a source of humour.”

The one exception, he recalled, were the men who scrubbed off his burned skin in the hospital. “It’s a terrible job, Imean you are inflicting reams of pain on someone to save their life,” Miller said. “But this ragtag crew, they were freaking hilarious. They were cracking jokes the whole time.”

“It mademe stronger because theywere looking atme and saying this guy can handle the pain and he can also handle a joke — it made me feel like a human being again.”

Dr Michael Miller | Cardiologi­st

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Many hospitals have launched formal humour programmes and invite clowns to interact with their younger patients.

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