Gulf News



Aries March 20 April 18

In early January, your ruler Mars ended its lengthy stay in Aries and moved to accent life’s practicali­ties. Since then, that’s exactly what’s been on your mind. While some have been dull, to your surprise, others have become more fascinatin­g by the day. Enough that you’re now actually enjoying dealing with them.

Taurus April 19 May 19

During January’s first half, your ruler Venus moved into a new sign, and to accent the structure of your life. Since then, you’ve been thinking about and discussing all sorts of ideas, some familiar but as many entirely unexpected. While, obviously, you’d like things settled, it’s far too early to think of that.

Gemini May 20 June 19

Recent encounters and offers were as promising as they were intriguing. However, they aren’t addressing certain persistent and, often, complex obstacles. Worse, you’re beginning to feel desperate. The problem isn’t the actual issues but, rather, your lack of concentrat­ion. Focus on these exclusivel­y for even an hour, and the results will be thrilling.

Cancer June 20 July 21

It won’t have been easy. But hopefully, by the time this week begins, you’ll have found a way around potentiall­y tricky situations. While, obviously, you’d rather they were resolved once and for all, the actual foundation on which they’re based is shifting, and will continue to for some days yet.

Leo July 22 August 21

As a restless, edgy fire sign, if the pace is too slow or life isn’t exciting enough for your taste, you can get very grumpy indeed. However, the current dramatic range of events is challengin­g even your taste of life in the fast line. The secret? For the moment, observe but do nothing.

Virgo August 22 September 21

After lengthy discussion­s and having made a lot of compromise­s, you’ve finally reached an agreement in a number of increasing­ly pressing matters. Or so it seemed. Unsettling if not disruptive as the issues are about to arise may seem, each offers vital insights. Explore them in detail now. You won’t regret it.

Libra September 22 October 21

Promising as recent unexpected ideas or offers may be, you’re urged to take things slowly, if not think twice about them. This is in part because you could be short of facts. But, equally, the actual foundation on which plans are based could need to be reorganise­d, if not need a radical rethink.

Scorpio October 22 November 20

For weeks you’ve sensed crucial decisions were coming, but were unsure of the timing. However, last Thursday’s encounter between the Sun and your ruler Pluto not only highlighte­d these, events make it clear you’ll need to discuss them with others, and more frankly than you intended. Act swiftly. You won’t regret it.

Sagittariu­s November 21 December 20

Usually, you’re the first to discover then discuss new ideas. However, with your ruling planet Jupiter just having moved into a new position, you’re unsure what’s interestin­g or, in fact, what’s wise. Out of character as the slow pace is, it’s enabling you to delve deeply into potential changes and future plans.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

Appealing as making lasting decisions about the range of situations you’re currently facing, it’s not quite so simple. While in most cases, the facts are clear cut and, as important, unchanging, in others there are ongoing twists and turns. But they’re all unreliable. The solution? Put off final decisions, yet again.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

The recent clash between the usually fortunate Jupiter and your ruler Uranus may have shaken up once stable arrangemen­ts. But it’s also got you thinking about those that are being taken for granted by you and others. Although, recently, you’d never have considered changing these, now it may be wise or, possibly, unavoidabl­e.

Pisces February 19 March 19

Often gently pointing out, but doing nothing about, the minor mistakes of others gives them a chance to learn from their errors. However, with things moving so swiftly and decisions forming a foundation for yet more plans, you’re urged to take a tough line from the outset. It’s better for everybody, including you.

 ??  ?? World-renowned astrologer
Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
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