Gulf News




4 Very nice new purse and a

bottle opener (6)

7 Traverse part of London with

a weapon (8)

8 A tasteful colour (6) 10 Groups involved in riots (5) 13 He’s no peasant! (4)

14 A ripping thing to do when

you’re in a hurry (4)

15 Be short, like a sickly cat’s

tail (4)

16 Animal engaged in eating

nuts (3)

17 One gets only half a dollar,

that’s the figure (4) 19 Whence, abroad, to return in

complaisan­ce (4)

21 One person offering a similar

view to another (9)

23 It tastes as good as new! (4) 24 Old king or noted military

leader (4)

26 Being transient, it starts

fading (3)

27 Help someone in a bad way


29 A bit of business returning

on the Met line (4)

32 Years in a stage success (4) 33 Possibly pines for a bird (5) 34 N. American Indian staying

with uncle? (6)

35 Being exhausted, fished out

a bit of wine (8)

36 Not necessaril­y brownish

attire (6)


1 His Lady was of the Lake (5) 2 Her little boy’s a bit of a liar, it seems! (5)

3 Lives a double life as a goddess (4)

4 Now so flustered and faint! (5) 5 A pet soil conditione­r? (4) 6 Where the Canadians are

possibly out of booze? (6) 9 Sell the last of the claret in

the bar (6)

11 Travelling seller of spare

parts (3)

12 Giant collection of stars (5) 13 Wherein kings and queens

join a friend for cards? (7) 15 Chinese, you may think, but

it’s Western all right! (3) 16 Give up in Scotland, so to

speak (3)

18 A little girl takes a long time

to get in hers! (6)

20 Hank’s geese? (5)

21 Cover of a glider cockpit (3) 22 Area of land, as in France (3) 23 Wail distracted­ly to mother,

somewhere in Africa (6) 25 Go very softly around the

Oriental quarter (3)

28 By holding a payment back,

is strong (5)

30 Very close to the right rhyme


31 Repairs many objects (5) 32 She contribute­s to a suburban newspaper (4)

33 Pass over a container (4)

 ?? ??

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