Gulf News

Offender calls for strong family bonds

Boy speaks as part of a campaign launched by Abu Dhabi Police

- BY SAMIHAH ZAMAN Senior Reporter

A17-year-old juvenile offender in Abu Dhabi has called upon parents and guardians to be more involved in the lives of children in order to better protect them.

His words were echoed by Abu Dhabi Police in a video clip as part of the authoritie­s’ family cohesion campaign, titled ‘We are a safe haven to protect them’. The initiative, which was launched last month, encourages greater parental involvemen­t in the activities and lives of children.

In the clip, Khaled, said he had committed a theft in the face of much neglect and loneliness. The teen explained that his actions had been reckless, but that his family’s negligence had been one of the factors that had resulted in him committing the misdemeano­ur.

‘Understand us’

“We need you, and we want you to listen and understand us. If we make a mistake, teach us and be our place of safety,” Khaled urged in his moving plea.

“I [felt like I] was not being heard. No one listened to what I wanted and needed. Even when I wanted to spend my time with my friends and needed money, no one in my family listened to me and my requests. No one from the family was free to listen to me,” Khaled said. He reportedly stole the funds during an outing with his friends because he did not have any money on him.

“Abu Dhabi Police paid attention to my needs, and I was able to complete my studies and enlist for national service. In the meantime, my family’s treatment of me improved and I now hope to enrol in a university and work towards my future goal,” Khaled added.

We need you [family], and we want you to listen and understand us. If we make a mistake, teach us and be our place of safety.”

Khaled | Juvenile offender

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