Gulf News




March 20 April 18

Last Tuesday, Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion and good fortune moved into Aries. It remains in your sign until late October, then returns at the end of the year. This indicates a series of exciting, and often unexpected, ideas, offers and encounters are coming your way. Explore each and every one of them.


April 19 May 19

The Full Moon may not actually take place until Monday. However, it’s an eclipse, which suggests you may already be dealing with the exciting, if sometimes unsettling, shakeups that are part of a cycle of this nature. While there’s no denying events are abrupt, these changes aren’t just timely, they’re long overdue.


May 20 June 19

One particular individual is an expert at making you feel guilty, especially when they’re facing issues that are their fault. It’s true, you’d find a solution swiftly. However, this would mean that, yet again it’s unlikely that they’ll learn that crucial lesson, which is about the importance of dealing with these matters promptly.


June 20 July 21

For ages there’s been talk of reorganisi­ng certain arrangemen­ts, or the setting in which these take place. The problem? While these are timely, those in charge have no idea what’s urgent and, equally, why some changes would actually cause problems. Don’t be shy. Raise this, and the sooner, the better.


July 22 August 21

The first of the current pair of eclipses took place in late April, and the second is this coming Monday. The pair are about breakthrou­ghs in habits that have been holding you back. While you’ve already made a few changes, there’s more to come. Explore every possibilit­y. You won’t regret it.


August 22 September 21

From time to time others say you’re demanding, if not critical. That’s their reaction to your cautious approach to arrangemen­ts, and to life itself. Long ago you learnt that while you can plunge into whatever seems promising, complicati­ons are almost inevitable. That’s the reason for that caution, and it’s a wise one.


September 22 October 21

The last thing you want is to upset anybody. On the other hand, you quite rightly fear that if you don’t disentangl­e yourself from certain arrangemen­ts, and swiftly, minor problems could turn into major dramas. While that’s possible, simply talking things over could achieve wonders. At least give it a try.


October 22 November 20

Only days ago, you’d have sworn you’d never say farewell to certain arrangemen­ts or, alternativ­ely, consider far out changes. Yet now that’s exactly what you’re doing. While these will be unsettling in the short term, your instincts are telling you that these are breakthrou­ghs, and they’re as timely as they are unexpected.

Sagittariu­s November 21 December 20

Sometimes the complicati­ons triggered by the retrograde Mercury are nothing but a nuisance. However, judging by its position in your chart, what you learn in the process of untangling those issues, both about the origin of problems and the way to resolve them, will more than justify the effort required.


December 21 January 19

Most of those born under your sign refuse to begin a plan, project or, in some cases, a romance without knowing what’s involved, and what others’ intentions are. Be aware, however, that discussion­s of this nature are about both a tricky blend of solid facts and feelings, some deep, of those involved.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

You’re inquisitiv­e, so always up to date on changes in the world around you and new ideas, more than others. They, in turn, assume you’re open to sudden, and unexpected, changes. Actually, it’s the reverse. As one of ‘fixed’ signs, born in the middle of the seasons, you far prefer to create, and stick to, a routine.

Pisces February 19 March 19

It’s not that you dislike arguing with others. It’s just that disputes over personal preference­s can turn into a battle of the egos. The issues you’re currently facing are the kind you’ll enjoy. They’re about the rights and wrongs of sudden changes. And everybody, including you, will learn from them.

 ?? ?? World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid
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