Gulf News

Things to keep in mind during a wet spell


The rainy weather condition is expected to persist in most parts of the UAE until midweek and authoritie­s are advising motorists to take extra caution when on the road.

“It is important to practice safe driving in unfavourab­le weather conditions,” underlined Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).

Dubai Police added: “Driving safely takes your full attention. Your focus should be on driving safely, slowing down, and avoiding waterlogge­d areas.”

Abu Dhabi Police also called on motorists to exercise caution and follow the changing speed limits displayed on electronic informatio­n boards.

The Ministry of Interior also took to Twitter and issued a safety alert: “Due to the exposure of several areas in the country to fluctuatio­ns in weather conditions please take care while driving and avoid valleys and places where water flows.

Ras Al Khaimah Police announced that some valleys in the emirate have been flooded, and the road leading to Jebel Jais has been closed due to unstable weather. They advised motorists to avoid valleys.

Here are helpful tips from authoritie­s and road safety experts:

Safe driving tips from RTA

■ Check the brakes, tyres and headlights of your vehicle before starting your journey.

■ Make sure your wipers work well.

■ If you have to drive in the rain, always double the safety distance between you and the vehicle ahead.

■ Drive slowly when it is raining so you can always keep control of your car and not worry about having to stop suddenly behind other vehicles.

■ Always follow traffic signs and do not instantly press on the accelerato­r when the traffic light turns green so you do not lose control on the slippery roads.

■ Do not overtake other vehicles except in ideal conditions.

Additional tips from RoadSafety­UAE

■ Take care of others, especially ‘weaker’ traffic participan­ts like motorcycle drivers, bicycle riders and pedestrian­s.

■ Consider longer braking distances.

■ Use your heater and A/C to avoid fogging of the windscreen.

■ Listen to the radio for traffic updates.

■ Ask your passengers to help keep an eye out for oncoming cars and obstacles.

■ Stay in your lane and don’t drift – there’s a natural tendency to wander into the middle of the road when visibility is bad.

■ If you have no visibility, pull over to the side of the road turning on your hazard lights to alert other drivers of where you are, or pull into petrol stations or rest areas.

■ Stay away from areas which are normally affected by bad weather, like wadis.

Watch out for ‘aquaplanin­g’

In rainy weather, oil and engine fluids can float atop rainwater, making the road slippery. Water creates a barrier between the road and your tyres, which can cause you to lose traction and aquaplane. If this occurs, take your foot off the gas, hold the steering wheel in place, and lightly apply the brakes.

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