Gulf News



Aries March 20 April 18

While you may be familiar with Mercury’s retrograde cycle, you may not think your ruling planet, Mars, is in reverse motion. However, it has been, since late October of last year, triggering delays and raising questions. Now that it’s moving forward again, many of those questions will be answered, some swiftly.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Hopefully you’ve already recognised certain changes aren’t just inevitable, they’re part of a series of more farreachin­g changes of equal significan­ce. Tempting as it is to put them off until you know more, that would only complicate matters. Out of character as it is, plunge in. You’ll soon be glad you did.

Gemini May 20 June 19

For the past several weeks you’ve been wrestling with a series of changes, some disruptive, others exciting but all have forced you to consider options you’d previously rejected. While, initially, this was irritating, you’re not only beginning to recognise just how much you’ve learnt, you’re grateful for the resulting insights.

Cancer June 20 July 21

The line between being aware others are struggling with certain changes and making it clear those issues are theirs, and theirs alone, to deal with is never clear. At the moment, however, it’s vital you discuss the actual situation in question frankly. While unsettling, at least initially, within a short time you’ll make amazing progress.

Leo July 22 August 21

Leaving certain pivotal decisions to others probably isn’t your choice. But with the mood involving other arrangemen­ts shifting, and rapidly, you’ll soon be glad you’re free to focus on those changes. While some are no surprise, as few will surface and be so sudden that you’ll have to think on your feet.

Virgo August 22 September 21

While you’d have every justificat­ion for reviewing recent heated discussion­s, the less you say, the better. With your ruler Mercury’s retrograde cycle just coming to an end, and with that, in turn, leading to a serious review of those misunderst­andings, try to take it slowly. In many cases, those issues will resolve themselves.

Libra September 22 October 21

Looking back, you’ve been forced to tiptoe around certain increasing­ly tricky issues. While, so far, your strategy has worked well, you’re beginning to wonder if you can’t just avoid the matter in question entirely. You can. But it wont’ vanish. Or you could think about how best to raise and discuss it.

Scorpio October 22 November 20

Recent events made you realise how valuable certain relationsh­ips are to you and how often you take them for granted. Do something about that now. The problem? Admitting how much you care isn’t easy. You find yourself uneasy about those intense feelings. Reflect on that. They’re a rare and wonderful gift.

Sagittariu­s November 21 December 20

As a Sagittariu­s and a fire sign, you value your freedom. Of course you rarely think about this until matters like those you’re facing appear, and in some cases, overnight. Tempting as it is to put off tackling these, act fast. You should be able to put them to rest swiftly, if not overnight.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

True, the decisions you’re facing aren’t new. But they are puzzling, and have been since you first realised they’d need your attention. So far, you’ve managed to put them off. However, judging by this week’s planetary activity, the time has come to plunge in. Unsure what’s wise? Be confident you’ll learn from experience.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

It’s no secret that certain once-minor issues are turning into something more pressing. Still, you’re hoping they’ll vanish of their own accord. Not only is that unlikely, you’re better off tackling them now, and frankly. You’re in for a pleasant surprise. Others are far more prepared to talk things over than you expect.

Pisces February 19 March 19

Over the past few weeks, a series of events have forced you and those who are close to you to discuss and, possibly, make pivotal decisions. While this was a relief, it also accented issues that will also need attention. Tempting as it is wait and watch, the sooner you tackle these, the better.

 ?? ?? World-renowned astrologer
Shelley von
Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid
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