Gulf News

New display at Sharjah Public Library showcases ‘rarest’ titles

Special section boasts some of the earliest manuscript­s on science, history, art

- SHARJAH Gulf News Report

Ancient manuscript­s and some of the world’s rarest books, providing insights into the cultural and historical records of the past, are on display at the Sharjah Public Library (SPL).

The library has a dedicated special section that houses 3,102 rare books under 912 titles that, SPL said, are considered as the rarest Arabic, English, French, Persian and German books and manuscript­s in the world. They cover a broad range of topics such as language, grammar, shrines, medicine, interpreta­tions, astronomy, and other subjects.

SPL provides full digital access to visitors interested in reviewing the “invaluable” titles.

Among the rarest texts in SPL’s collection are manuscript­s referred to as ‘Uthman’s copy of the Quran’, identical to a copy kept in the Topkapı Palace Museum in Turkey. The copy has great significan­ce to Muslims because it was put together, copied and distribute­d to regions and territorie­s of the Islamic Caliphate State under the directive of the Third Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan.

Priceless texts

What makes these works invaluable, SPL said, is not only the date they were published or their edition, but also their subject matter. An example of this “priceless knowledge” is the ‘Antidote’ book by an unknown Arab author. In the book, the author explains how to prepare an anti-toxin consisting of plant compounds, which clearly indicates the early Arab contributi­on to the evolution of medicine.

Among the “irreplacea­ble titles” in the library is a copy of the famous manuscript known as Maqamat Al Hariri (also known as the ‘Assemblies of Hariri’), who’s author died in 1122 AD, and another manuscript titled Sharh Qasedat Ibn Abdoun, by author Abdul Malik Bin Abdullah Ibn Bedurun from the sixth century Hijri era.

Among the rare manuscript­s in the field of Fiqh (Muslim jurisprude­nce) is a manuscript entitled Sharh Al Muntakhab Al Hussami, written by Mohammad Bin Mohammad Umar Al Akhsikthi, who died in 1247.

 ?? ?? Arabic, English, French, Persian and German books on a variety of topics are part of the prized collection.
Arabic, English, French, Persian and German books on a variety of topics are part of the prized collection.

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