Gulf News


- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid


March 20 April 18

For ages you’ve struggled to turn certain ideas you’re passionate about into lasting plans. But things have never come together as intended. Begin again, but this time, get others involved. Not only are they more experience­d at dealing with the matters in question, they’ll help you focus on what’s most important.


April 19 May 19

Some say you’re sometimes stubborn. While. In certain situations, there’s no arguing the truth of that, at other times you must disagree. Rather than debate who said what, invest your time in exploring the ideas in question with others. What you learn in the process will help clear up any confusion, often within minutes.


May 20 June 19

Long ago, you realised that while certain individual­s rarely show interest in exciting changes or completely new ideas, they’re always eager to get involved. Now that you need some support, ask if they’ve any advice to offer. The fact is, they will, and far more than, recently, you’d have imagined possible.


June 20 July 21

Of the twelve signs of the zodiac, Cancerians are among the most intuitive and, equally, the most loyal. At the moment that’s leading to confusion, if not very real problems. Don’t be shy about raising these and talking them over frankly. Once you begin, the rest will be surprising­ly easy.


July 22 August 21

Only days ago, you’d have battled certain changes, mostly because they’d be so disruptive. However, with the foundation on which those arrangemen­ts are based shifting, and dramatical­ly, it’s all about organising these, and other arrangemen­ts, in an entirely new way. The sooner you begin exploring your options, the better.


August 22 September 21

The last thing you want is to upset somebody because of their mistakes. On the other hand, those errors need to be dealt with, and swiftly. The secret? Bear in mind that the individual­s in question aren’t nearly as painstakin­g as you are, and won’t mind their errors being spotted and dealt with.


September 22 October 21

Several times recently, you’ve battled to keep certain hard-won arrangemen­ts as they are. While this determinat­ion to stick with existing plans is understand­able, the foundation on which those plans are based has changed, enough that a rethink isn’t just wise, it’s increasing­ly urgent. The sooner you begin exploring your options, the better.


October 22 November 20

Although Mercury’s retrograde cycle ended on the 18th, you’re still dealing with the fallout, especially in terms of others’ mistakes and the resulting misunderst­anding. Annoying as these seem at the moment. each is offering you a valuable insight about how to organise plans for the future, and in a way that avoids similar confusion.


November 21 December 20

Of the twelve signs, you’re not only best equipped to deal with the unexpected, you can turn sudden developmen­ts into thrilling opportunit­ies. The problem? Those who can’t help but worry regard your optimism as uncaring. Out of character as it is, be sympatheti­c. But then offer a few worthwhile suggestion­s.


December 21 January 19

As a Capricorn and an earth sign, you think through even simple plans, and in detail that doesn’t occur to others. At the moment, however, things are moving so swiftly you’ve no choice but to rely on your instincts. Actually, they’re your best bet. As you’ll discover, they’re as wise as they are practical.


January 20 February 18

There is no wrong way to do the right thing. While you, as a logical Aquarius understand this, not everybody agrees. In fact, certain individual­s believe they can do anything they want, as long as they’re not caught. Tempting as it is to talk this over, don’t. They’ve no intention of changing their thinking.


February 19 March 19

No sign is better at influencin­g the thinking of others, yet encouragin­g the individual­s in question to make their own decisions. Although you may not realise it, that’s exactly what you’re doing now. If you must discuss practical matters, stick to those, and those alone. This ensures decisions truly are in others’ hands.

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