Gulf News

Two of you bid, but only one declares

- — Phillip Alder

Do you have a particular­ly close rapport with someone? Do the two of you always know what the other is thinking? Can you have conversati­ons without saying anything?

In my experience, twins are particular adept at this. Surely the best bidding twins of all time were Englishmen Bob and Jim Sharples. They had an almost uncanny knack for avoiding misunderst­andings. Their card-play wasn’t bad either. Bob declared today’s deal many moons ago.

The auction is typical of the point-and-shoot style used before bidding became “scientific.” East’s takeout double with only two spades was dangerous. (Today, most experts would overcall one heart.) South could have started with a redouble. Also, one wonders why West didn’t sacrifice in four spades at the prevailing vulnerabil­ity. (Note that it would have cost only 500, less than the vulnerable game available to North-South.) West led the spade jack, covered by East’s queen and South’s ace. Declarer played a diamond to dummy’s jack and East’s ace. Back came the heart king.

Sharples paused to take stock. He needed to bring in the clubs. Finessing through

West is normal. However, from East’s unblock of the spade queen at trick one, he must have begun with only two spades. To compensate for the spade shortage, East had to have full high-card values. So South placed the club queen with him.

After winning with dummy’s heart ace, declarer called for the club jack. East played low, but Sharples played low also. The successful backward finesse raked in five club tricks and the contract (with one or two overtricks – the report doesn’t specify).

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