Gulf Today - Panorama



The how holiest quickly month a year of has the year passed. is upon Ramadan us once is the again, most and special month, especially in the UAE where everyone embraces and looks forward to all the rituals and practices involved. When it comes to how to manage your diet and keep exercising during Ramadan, we have got you covered with an extensive guide on how to keep it while fasting.

First of all, fasting is not an excuse to binge eat all the wrong things come Iftar. So keep your Ramadan diet balanced with ibre, carbs, proteins and fats. Your Suhoor meal should also

be a nutritious one keeping in mind that you will need fuel for the day and a pre-iftar workout if you choose to do one.

Pre-iftar workouts are possible provided you have eaten a decent meal at Suhoor and that you have had enough sleep. We suggest keeping it simple with a 40-45 minute cardio and mat workout. If that is too much for you then a yoga class should sufice. Many gyms offer pre-iftar exercise

classes. Go with what feels best for you and your body. Whatever you do, make sure it’s close to Iftar time so you can hydrate and refuel not long after you are inished.

When it comes to post-iftar workouts you can deinitely do

more, however there are a few challenges you may face. Feeling tired and lazy after eating a big meal is common. We suggest waiting at least an hour or two after eating before hitting the gym. On the positive side, your body will be fuelled and ready to go for a more intense workout. Gyms cater to post-iftar exercisers with many classes and workouts. Read on to discover the best ways to keep it and healthy during this special month.

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