City Times

Pick The Right Colour


Clients ask me often if colours play a major role in overall wellbeing. There have been scientific studies that show that bright colours create a light feeling leading to happiness. And dark colours being heavy create dense energy making you feel sluggish and low. The question is, do different colours impact our body? And if so, what are the right colours?

To answer this question we need to dive deeper. The 7 chakras in the body correspond to 7 different colour frequencie­s that have an impact on our mind and body. Each chakra is activated and energized by a particular colour and using that colour can enhance that chakra. The first chakra is the root chakra located at the tip of your spinal cord. This chakra is red in colour and represents materialis­tic life, controllin­g confidence and ambition. So if you want to enhance these aspects of your life, then wearing red or eating red foods can help. The second chakra is sacral chakra located below the naval and is orange in colour. This chakra controls your desires, relationsh­ips and emotions. Wearing orange or eating orange foods can help you balance emotionall­y. The third chakra is yellow, located at the naval and impacts the digestive system. Using yellow foods in your diet can improve digestion. The fourth chakra is heart chakra, located at the center of the chest. This chakra represents anger and compassion. Wearing green clothes and eating leafy vegetables can improve this chakra, balancing the emotions. Then we come to throat chakra located in your thyroid gland. This chakra is blue and controls communicat­ion, sinus and asthma. Using blue colour in everyday life can improve its function and help with physical ailments. The third eye chakra is located between your eyebrows and is indigo in colour. It controls your mental capabiliti­es and thoughts. Using indigo can help improve the energy in this area. The last chakra is known as crown chakra, located just above your head. It is violet or white in colour. This chakra ideally is for spiritual purpose only and using violet colour in everyday life can speed up your spiritual growth.

So pick your colours wisely and see your life improve! Shivani Adalja is a Dubai-based wellbeing expert. She runs the Alignment Institute which offers effective solutions that focus on stress management and overall wellbeing. Email align@shivaniada­

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