Khaleej Times

84m viewers for Prez debate

- AP

new york — The showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was the most-watched presidenti­al debate ever, with 84 million viewers.

The Nielsen company said the viewership, over 13 different networks, toppled a record that had stood for 36 years. The previous record for presidenti­al debate viewership was the 80.6 million people who saw the only debate in 1980 between incumbent Democrat Jimmy Carter and his Republican challenger Ronald Reagan.

No debate since then had exceeded 70 million viewers.

Social media was humming, too, with Nielsen saying there were some 17.1 million Twitter interactio­ns involving 2.7 million people on Monday. Tivo said that the moment during the debate that caused more people to pause their television and play back what was said came near the end, when Trump said that he will “absolutely support” Clinton if she is elected president.

Clinton has some bragging rights at home. When final results are in, the audience for her first presidenti­al debate will more than double what her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received for his last presidenti­al debate in 1996 (36.3 million viewers).

Only the Super Bowl annually commands a television audience of that size.

The biggest audience in US television history was the 114.4 million people who watched the 2015 Super Bowl between New England and Seattle.

The news was particular­ly good for NBC. Not only did it have more viewers than any other network showing the debate, but “Nightly News” anchor Lester Holt’s reviews as moderator were more positive than Matt Lauer received for his interviews with the candidates at a national security forum earlier this month, or CNBC anchors when they did a GOP debate last fall.

Watching the debate was nervewrack­ing for NBC Universal chief executive Steve Burke because of the pressure on Holt. —

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