Khaleej Times

Children born in Daesh-held areas face a stateless future

1.5m people are still living inside mosul under daesh rule, according to the UNHCR

- Ali, An Iraqi in Mosul

DEBAGA — Ali and Sara, born in Daesh self-styled state in northern Iraq, escaped to a camp for displaced people only to confront a new challenge — with no identity documents, they risk joining a generation of stateless children.

After seizing large parts of Iraq and neighbouri­ng Syria in 2014, Daesh imposed Shariah and began to establish the basic frameworks of statehood such as taxes and regulation.

But that project is collapsing in the face of a military campaign in Iraq to crush the militants, with unexpected consequenc­es for ordinary people escaping their grip.

Births in Daesh-controlled areas were registered with authoritie­s that are not considered valid outside that shrinking territory — or not registered at all.

That is adding hundreds and perhaps thousands of children under the age of 2-1/2 to the growing numbers of children across the Middle East who are stateless — lacking legal recognitio­n as a citizen of any country.

Stateless children risk missing out on basic rights such as education and healthcare, are likely to face difficulti­es in adulthood getting a job, and are exposed to abuse and traffickin­g, according to the United Nations.

The five-year-old civil war in neighbouri­ng Syria, which has uprooted 10 million people, threatens an even greater number of children born in areas outside Syrian government control or in refugee camps beyond its borders.

Sara was born just as the militatns stormed across Iraq in 2014. Her little brother Ali was born two years later, days before his family fled to Debaga camp from their village south of Mosul, Daesh’s last major stronghold which Iraqi forces are now battling to retake.

The children’s father, Mohamed, says he did not register either birth with Daesh.

“If you brought them a child, they would issue a birth certificat­e themselves in the name of their state,” he said, spurning that propositio­n.

Some parents did register their newborns with Daesh, which issued proprietar­y birth certificat­es bearing the group’s black-andwhite logo declaring “There is no god but God”.

Furaq, a 22-year-old from the Mosul area, showed Reuters a lightweigh­t pink document issued by the group when his eight-monthold son Yasser was born. It closely resembles its Iraqi equivalent.

Mahdi Waili, head of the government directorat­e which deals with nationalit­y, said parents whose children do not have birth certificat­es would be able to go to the health ministry offices to arrange for their births to be registered.

However, months after some areas in northern Iraq were retaken from Daesh, local government services have yet to be reinstated.

Other parents privately say they obtained Daesh documents for their children but tore them up when Iraqi forces pushed out the militants, fearing reprisals for what could be seen as cooperatin­g with the group. Ali, a first-time father from inside Mosul, spoke to Reuters last week holding his 19-monthold daughter Amal, who was born with a brain defect that has kept her from learning to walk.

He secured a birth certificat­e for the girl from a neighbour who worked in the local hospital but refused to let Daesh authentica­te it with their official stamp.

“The doctor told me, ‘Don’t let anyone know you have the certificat­e or they will slaughter us both’,” Ali said. Abu Saud, 41-year-old fa- ther of five, said he decided not to register his son’s birth in October 2014 at a village south of Mosul controlled at the time by Daesh. “With my other children, I would go to the residency department to register them with a photo and stamp,” he said outside his tent in Debaga.

“It proves that this is my child or your child or his child. But now, he doesn’t have an ID card.”

The doctor told me, ‘don’t let anyone know you have the (birth) certificat­e or they will slaughter us both

 ?? Families who fled the fighting between Daesh and the Iraqi army sit beside a bus at a Peshmerga checkpoint in Iraq. — Reuters ??
Families who fled the fighting between Daesh and the Iraqi army sit beside a bus at a Peshmerga checkpoint in Iraq. — Reuters

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