Khaleej Times

Healthy lifestyle, positivity among NY resolution­s

- Ankita Chaturvedi ankita@khaleejtim­

dubai — Everyone wants to make the most of the positivity and freshness of a new beginning or at least give it a shot so that they can start 2017 with high hopes and dreams.

One of the most positive aspects of the New Year ritual is resolution­s. People pledge to bid goodbye to bad and unhealthy habits of the departing year to be adopted with good or productive habits. That they may not stick to the resolution­s may be a different matter altogether, but one can hope!

We spoke to a few Dubai residents to understand their New Year resolution­s.

Dutch national Iris Nibbering, a PR profession­al, wants to have a more balanced life ahead so that she can spend quality time with her loved ones.

I need to start cooking myself instead of going out for dinner and take out time to eat breakfast during my morning craziness.” Iris Nibbering, Dutch national

“The only thing I am planning to take up now is to be more active and eat healthier. I need to start cooking myself instead of going out for dinner and take out time to eat breakfast during my morning craziness. I am also taking the step to go for my master’s degree, something I am very excited about – 2017 is going to be great,” said an excited Iris.

Another resident, Marium Arif is originally from Pakistan, her goal is to get in shape this year. She said “having a full time job, a family and personal goals makes it difficult to look after yourself. My resolution for this year is to push myself to be fit. I just delivered a baby and I already lost a sustainabl­e amount of weight. Furthermor­e, I want to become a

Having a full time job, a family and personal goals makes it difficult to look after yourself. My resolution for this year is to push myself to be fit.” Marium Arif, Pakistani national

strong woman, so that my son can look up to me (as a role model) when he grows older, and I want to excel in my work at the same time.”

Jyotsana Virwani, 31, is a single woman and riding high on career. She is recruiter by profession, a blogger and brand influencer for travel and food. She helps people in finding their dream job or a dream move but for her, the only dream this year is to visit three continents and look for hidden places that are not well explored.

On one hand where people are aiming to get fit, travel to unexplored places and improve their lifestyle, Sujil Chandra Bose, a marketing and communicat­ion profession­al wants to spread the message

I aim to spread the message of peace and companions­hip across borders through my online magazine”

Sujil Chandra Bose, Indian national

of being positive around this year. He intends to make people aware of the power of positivity.

He said: “I have launched an online English magazine called ‘Beyond Borders’ through which I aim to spread the message of peace and companions­hip across borders.

According to a recent YouGov survey, 70 per cent GCC residents will choose to be fit and healthy in new year.

Another 41 per cent have pledged to spend less and save more, while 40 per cent will focus on getting organised in the New Year.

About 38 per cent surveyed residents will look for learning something new in life.

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