Khaleej Times

On land and sea, a year of building power bases

China is emerging stronger, economical­ly as well as militarily, throwing its weight around in the region


Every five years, the ruling Communist Party holds the most important meeting in its official calendar, to stamp its approval on top leaders and their policies. Next autumn, it will be time for another one. While such gatherings are notoriousl­y opaque, it appears certain that the congress will confirm President Xi Jinping as national leader for five more years.

Xi is expected to staff the party’s top bodies, including the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee, with trusted lieutenant­s. Under informal retirement rules that set an age ceiling of 65 years, five of the seven committee members are due to step down. Only Xi and Premier Li Keqiang will be left.

Yet despite the rules, Xi may push to have ally Wang Qishan, who has led his draconian anti-corruption drive, remain on the Standing Committee. Some observers say such a move could open the door for Xi to seek a third term in 2022. If the retirement rule is waived for Wang, the thinking goes, it could be waived for Xi as well. (He will be 69 at the end of his second term.)

Xi is widely regarded as China’s most powerful leader since Deng Xiaoping, 30 years ago. How he chooses to wield his power at the upcoming congress could set his course well into the future.

“This will pave the road for Xi for the 20th Party Congress,” in 2022, says Zhang Lifan, an independen­t historian in Beijing. “By then, it will be natural for him to stay despite the age limit.”

If the last few weeks are any indication, tensions in the South China Sea are likely to escalate in 2017. First came reports that China had installed weapons along a string of disputed islands. Then, a day later, a Chinese naval vessel seized a US underwater drone near the Philippine­s.

The incident sparked one of the tensest standoffs between Beijing and Washington in more than a decade and ignited a volley of criticism from President-elect Donald Trump. China returned the drone on December 20, but it had signalled its dominance in the South China Sea, a strategica­lly vital area through which about $5 trillion in global trade passes each year.

Whether the drone seizure was a one-off, or a sign of what’s to come from an increasing­ly assertive Beijing, remains to be seen. But the release of satellite images that show weapons on disputed islands confirms its hardening military grip on the region.

If the last few weeks are any indication, tensions in the South China Sea are likely to escalate in 2017. First came reports that China had installed weapons along a string of disputed islands. Then, a day later, a Chinese naval vessel seized a US underwater drone near the Philippine­s.

Trump told Fox News last month that China was “building a massive fortress in the middle of the South China Sea, which it shouldn’t be doing.” If and how he decides to push back could become a source of serious tensions, even military strife, between the United States and China in 2017.

“The waters will remain choppy,” says Zhu Feng, Executive Director of the China Center for Collaborat­ive Studies of the South China Sea at Nanjing University. “The mood on both sides is getting worse.”

The political scandal that erupted in late October, bringing millions of protesters into the streets, is likely to come to an end in early 2017. South Korea’s opposition-controlled parliament voted to impeach President Park Geun-hye on December 9, leaving her fate in the hands of the Constituti­onal Court.

On December 22, the court confirmed it would hear allegation­s that Park colluded with a longtime confidante to extort money and favours from major South Korean companies and allowed her to secretly interfere in government affairs. The court has up to six months to decide whether Park should permanentl­y step down or be reinstated.

Given the scale of the scandal and Park’s unpreceden­tedly low approval rating, most analysts predict the court will uphold parliament’s decision. If that happens, South Korea will have 60 days to elect a successor. Current frontrunne­rs in the polls include Moon Jae-in, the leader of the opposition Democratic Party; and Ban Ki-moon, the departing Secretary General of the United Nations, who appears least inclined to swerve from Park’s policies.

Whoever takes Park’s place in the presidenti­al Blue House will immediatel­y face a spate of foreign policy challenges, including Trump’s mercurial proposals about military defense and an increasing­ly belligeren­t North Korea. How Korea’s new leader responds to them will have far-reaching consequenc­es in an already tense region.

Indeed, the political climate in Taiwan has never been more favorable. Support for marriage equality has gained momentum since President Tsai, who has spoken out in favour of it, came to power in May.

On December 26, a parliament­ary committee approved four amendments to the Civil Code in a critical second review; they will now go to the full parliament for debate. Lawmakers could vote as early as February, when the next legislativ­e session begins, but the outcome is far from certain.

While support for same-sex marriage in Taiwan has increased considerab­ly in recent years, many Taiwanese are still strongly against it. Fifty-six percent of respondent­s to a recent poll by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation said they opposed it, and emotions are running high. Rallies organized by activists on both sides have attracted tens of thousands of protesters over the past month.

Same-sex marriage advocates in Taiwan have a steep road ahead. But if they succeed, Taiwan would join the US and 18 other countries that have legalized same-sex marriage in the last 15 years.

— The Christian Science Monitor

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