Khaleej Times

Happy 15th birthday, euro


frankfurt — The euro, used by nearly 340 million people each day, celebrates its 15th birthday today. Like a teenager in the throes of adolescenc­e, the euro has lurched from crisis to crisis in recent years, but still manages to enjoy firm support across the 19-member area — especially among a new generation who have never known any other currency.

Here is a snapshot of some key points and memorable moments in the life of the euro:

The euro was launched on January 1, 1999, initially existing only as a virtual currency used in accounting and financial transactio­ns.

Euro coins and notes were introduced on January 1, 2002.

The inspiratio­n for the euro symbol came from the Greek letter epsilon, a nod to the country’s history as the cradle of European civilisati­on. The two parallel strokes across the logo signify stability.

Euro coins each have a side bearing a national design. Austria for example opted for Mozart, Ireland for the Celtic harp.

Euro banknotes on the other hand never depict people or real places, only illustrati­ons of fictional architectu­re.

The euro’s arrival wasn’t love at first sight, with many citizens perceiving the switchover as an unwelcome price hike.

In Germany, the currency was nicknamed the “teuro”, a pun on the word “teuer” (expensive) and euro.

But attitudes softened over time, won over by the ease of travelling and doing business across borders without having to worry about foreign exchange fluctuatio­ns.

Today, 56 per cent of people think having the euro is “a good thing” for their country, according to a European Commission survey of some 17,500 euro area citizens published this month.

Among those aged 15-24, support for the euro stands even higher at 68 per cent.

“The average citizen sees the euro as a source of political stability

The average citizen sees the euro as a source of political stability but also a source of low inflation Maria Demertzis, deputy director at the Bruegel think tank

but also a source of low inflation,” says Maria Demertzis, deputy director at the Bruegel think tank, adding that this has been a particular­ly welcome developmen­t in countries that historical­ly saw more volatility.

The European Central Bank this year said it plans to stop issuing the 500-euro note, the currency’s largest denominati­on bill, by late 2018.

Known as the “Bin Laden”, the purple-coloured banknote is believed to be favoured by criminals for money laundering and even terrorist financing.

But resistance to its abolition runs high in Germany, where people still prefer to pay in cash and fear that getting rid of the 500-euro bill is simply the first step towards scrapping notes and coins altogether.

The eurozone has suffered two major crises that almost led to the break-up of the monetary union.

The trouble began in Greece when, in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, access to easy credit dried up and the country threatened to default on its massive debt.

Concerns soon spread to other heavily indebted European Union member states such as Portugal and Ireland, culminatin­g in several internatio­nal bailouts that proved a major test of European solidarity.

But Greece’s woes did not end there. Even after receiving two rescue packages, its economic situation deteriorat­ed and it came dangerousl­y close to a humiliatin­g exit from the euro in 2015, until eurozone leaders again agreed to save Athens with a third bailout.

“Greece is and will irreversib­ly remain a member of the euro area,” European Commission chief JeanClaude Juncker said at the time.

With elections looming in the Netherland­s, France, Germany and Italy, eurozone leaders are nervously eyeing the rise of populist, euroscepti­c parties emboldened by Britain’s shock decision to quit the EU this year.

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has promised to pull her country out of the euro and organise a referendum on EU membership if she wins the race for the presidency.

Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders has also mooted an EU referendum.—

 ?? — AFP ?? The ECB plans to stop issuing the €500 note by late 2018.
— AFP The ECB plans to stop issuing the €500 note by late 2018.

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