Khaleej Times

‘Greek envoy to Brazil was murdered by wife’s lover’


rio de janeiro — Greece’s ambassador to Brazil was murdered in a plot hatched by his Brazilian wife and her police officer lover, who confessed to the crime, officials said on Friday.

The envoy, Kyriakos Amiridis, 59, was killed on Monday by the officer, Sergio Gomez Moreira, Rio homicide division chief Evaristo Pontes told a news conference.

Amiridis’s charred body was found on Thursday in Rio in his burned-out rental car, a day after his wife, Francoise de Souza Oliveira, declared him missing.

Oliveira, 40, and Moreira, 29, both admitted to having an affair, police said.

The pair are in custody, along with Moreira’s 24-year-old cousin, Eduardo Moreira de Melo, who allegedly also took part.

According to the homicide division chief, Oliveira denied participat­ing in the murder itself, but confessed she knew of the crime.

Amiridis, who was named ambassador this year, had been on a family vacation with his wife in the north of Rio de Janeiro since December 21.

They had been due to fly back to the capital Brasilia on January 9.

His wife had originally told police that he had left the Rio apartment they were staying in, taken the car and not returned.

But her version had contradict­ions, and after Amiridis’s body was found in the burned-out car under a bridge, police took Oliveira in for more questionin­g, and also detained Moreira.

Traces of blood were reportedly found on a sofa in the apartment Amiridis and Oliveira had been using, leading investigat­ors to believe he had been killed there, then his body was placed in the rental car and driven to the spot it was found.

Pontes said that Oliveira had offered his cousin the equivalent of $25,000 to help with murdering the ambassador. —

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