Khaleej Times

There is a way to treat the very diseased artery and resume normal life


A.A. started feeling chest pain six years ago. He was 74-year old then. “I used to feel chest pain on walking or climbing stairs. I went to a nearby hospital where they did some investigat­ions. The exercise test showed clear changes in my ECG ( Electrocar­diogram). The doctor recommende­d cardiac catheteris­ation. I was afraid and asked if I can be treated medically. After my insistence, the doctor agreed and gave me multiple medication­s. He asked me to stop smoking and follow low salt, low cholestero­l diet. In the beginning, I followed his instructio­ns and felt better. However, with time I resumed some of my bad habits.”

One year ago, his chest pain became more frequent, coming on the least effort and even after eating or walking within the house. He was referred to the Cardiac Centre at Zulekha hospital in Dubai, as according to him they have the most expert Interventi­onal cardiologi­sts in the city.

At Zulekha hospital in Dubai Dr Fekry ElDeeb, senior consultant interventi­onal cardiologi­st, explained why and how is this procedure done in a simple way. “He made it clear that a diagnostic procedure should be done first then, after which the treatment will be decided accordingl­y. The treatment is usually a combinatio­n of three options or one among them: 1. medicine. 2. coronary interventi­on by angioplast­y and stenting. 3. open heart surgery. “As there was no other way and medicine reached its end, I accepted the procedures and signed all necessary documents,” A.A. said.

He got the procedure done and said that he did not feel any pain. He said he was awake all the time watching and talking to Dr Fekry during the procedure which took about 10 minutes. However, another surprise was waiting for A.A. when Dr Fekry told him “it seems that you came late to me”.

There was so multiple narrowing all over the three heart arteries. Not only that but the arteries were so hard, calcified with severe multiple narrowing’s exceeding 95 per cent each that Dr Fekry decided that coronary angioplast­y and stenting would not be possible. He recommende­d doing open heart surgery.

The second day, Dr Fekry consulted three known cardiac surgeons who all agreed that it is even too late for open heart surgery. They all felt that it is very difficult technicall­y, having very high risk and would not be possible to treat all arteries, so they refused this option.

However, Dr Fekry said there was a way to treat the very diseased artery using a Diamond Drill. “He continued to explain that it is done in only 3 per cent of the patients around the world by very skilled and expert surgeons and said he is one of them being in this field for over 30 years with experience of doing more than 15,000 cardiac catheteris­ation procedures,” A.A. said.

The procedure took more than four hours this time as there was a lot of technical challenges and Dr Fekry managed to treat all vessels except one branch. He told A.A. that it is better to stop here as this branch can be treated with medicine and if needed, can be fixed in the future.

“I went to my room and started to walk around two hours later. What a feeling it was! For the first time since many years I could walk fast with no chest pain. This was my best week ever for long time.”

A.A. followed a good routine coupled with exercise and good diet for six months but got back to old unhealthy habits soon. “I tried my best to follow the advice but I would feel lazy some days and couldn’t resist or avoid fatty food, especially when I was alone during summer when family went on vacation.

“After one year, I started to have chest pain for the first time again. Dr Fekry did an exercise test after it he advised repeating the Cardiac Catheteris­ation. I accepted this time immediatel­y and without any hesitation. The procedure took all in all less than one hour and I was discharged home the next morning. Now, I resume full physical activity and feel wonderful.”

Sharing his experience, A.A. said: “I would advice any patient with chest pain or discomfort to do such a procedure immediatel­y, particular­ly in advanced cardiac centres like Zulekha Hospital. I was lucky to have an expert cardiologi­st to perform such a rare and complicate­d procedure which was my only option to resume normal life.

 ??  ?? Dr Fekry ElDeeb
Dr Fekry ElDeeb

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