Khaleej Times

What’s next for Palestine if two-state solution is ditched?

A one-state solution for Netanyahu would be nothing but consolidat­ion of a full apartheid system in all the area of Palestine


When President Trump dropped the longstandi­ng American insistence on the creation of a Palestinia­n state alongside Israel, he veered away from the two-state premise that has been at the core of Middle East peace efforts for decades.

The idea of dividing the land shared by Israelis and Palestinia­ns goes back to 1947. That’s when the United Nations voted to partition British-ruled Palestine, creating a Jewish and an Arab state, a plan the Jews accepted and the Arab states did not.

For more modern proponents of the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict, the model enshrined the principle of trading “land for peace.” It promised two essential ingredient­s that sought to satisfy the basic needs of the two peoples: political selfdeterm­ination for the Palestinia­ns in their own independen­t state, and recognised borders for Israel that would be accepted by its Arab neighbours.

The goal of an independen­t Palestinia­n state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip became American policy after the 1993 Oslo accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on.

The two-state objective was first enunciated by President Bill Clinton in 2001, adopted as official policy by his successor, George W. Bush, and was a cornerston­e of the Obama administra­tion’s peace efforts.

Trump has upended all that when he said he was “looking at two-state and one-state” options, and would be “very happy with the one that both parties like.” He spoke before meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who pointedly avoided mention of the two-state solution.

As repeated efforts to broker a two-state deal have foundered, some Israelis and Palestinia­ns have spoken of an irreversib­le reality on the ground in which, they argue, Jewish settlement­s scattered across the West Bank and a half century of Israeli control have doomed a territoria­l compromise.

But a one-state reality carries its own perils, critics of the idea say.

“A one-state solution is the end of Zionism,” says Shlomo Avineri, a professor of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “Zionism is about a Jewish national state, not a binational state.”

An Israeli state that includes the Palestinia­ns could deny them equal rights and lose its Jewish majority to a faster-growing Arab population, according to the critics.

“Only the two-state solution will preserve Israel as both democratic and Jewish,” says Avi Buskila, head of Peace Now, an Israeli group that opposes Jewish settlement in the West Bank and backs a Palestinia­n state.

In a single Israeli state “either the Palestinia­ns would not have equal rights and it would be an apartheid state, or they could have equality and become the majority, meaning it would no longer be Jewish.”

Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinia­n negotiator, says jettisonin­g the two-state solution would be a “disaster for both Palestinia­ns and Israelis.”

The only alternativ­e is “one democratic state of Jews, Christians, and Muslims living in one state as equal citizens in one country,” Erekat says. “Netanyahu’s scheme of trying to impose one state with two systems, an apartheid regime, is not doable in the 21st century.”

A “secular democratic state” in the entire area between the Jordan River and the Mediterran­ean Sea was a longtime goal of the PLO before it accepted a state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and recognized Israel.

“Our understand­ing of one state would be a democracy with equal rights in which I could become president or prime minister of Israel,” says Mustafa Barghouti, a prominent Palestinia­n legislator and activist. “If this state is truly a democracy it cannot be Jewish, it will be a joint state. I would love to go back to one democratic state in which Palestinia­ns can live in [the Israeli cities] of Jaffa and Haifa. But a one-state solution for Netanyahu would be nothing but consolidat­ion of a full apartheid system in all the area of Palestine.”

The goal of an independen­t Palestinia­n state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip became American policy after the 1993 Oslo accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on.

 ?? AFP ?? Israeli boys walk on the rubble of a demolished house in the Israeli city of Qalansuwa after it was destroyed the previous day for not having the proper building permits.
AFP Israeli boys walk on the rubble of a demolished house in the Israeli city of Qalansuwa after it was destroyed the previous day for not having the proper building permits.

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