Khaleej Times

Netanyahu feels at home at the White House


The Benjamin Netanyahu on the White House podium last week was the Netanyahu of old. Though politicall­y weakened at home, the Israeli prime minister seemed uncharacte­ristically relaxed and self-confident. The smiles, the handshakes, the joking reference to President Trump’s book The Art of the Deal and the prime minister’s grandfathe­rly banter with the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, this was the Netanyahu whom Israelis have not seen in years.

By opening the news conference with a reference to the Jewish people’s painful history, President Trump afforded the prime minister an opportunit­y to do what he does best, what he did when he first took the world stage as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations in 1984. The president gave Prime Minister Netanyahu a chance to make the case for the legitimacy of the Jewish people’s return to their ancestral homeland.

That was more than a rhetorical opportunit­y. For Netanyahu and many Israelis, Palestinia­n denial of that legitimacy is the real reason for the failure of the peace process. From the White House and in the presence of a sympatheti­c president, the prime minister was finally able to assert that the Palestinia­n commitment to a two-state solution has long been a hoax, that the Palestinia­ns have employed two narratives, one for internatio­nal consumptio­n and another for Palestinia­ns at home.

Despite his internatio­nal protestati­ons, Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinia­n Authority (like Yasir Arafat before him), has consistent­ly denied that the Jews have a historic connection to the Temple Mount. Far more than arcane arguments over historical minutiae, the Arafat-Abbas tradition of denying a longstandi­ng Jewish link to Jerusalem is the Palestinia­n’s inimitable way of saying that the Jews are simply the latest wave of Crusaders, that Israel is nothing but a colonialis­t presence in the Middle East. Just as the crusaders and colonialis­ts of the past ultimately departed, the argument goes, so too will the Jews.

The belief that President Abbas sees the two-state solution as a steppingst­one to a one — Arab — state solution leaves many Israelis cynical about the peace process and tiring of the rhetoric about two states. Trump may have shifted that momentu President Trump afforded Prime Minister Netanyahu an opportunit­y to assert — despite American denials — that Palestinia­n schools’ textbooks teach Palestinia­n children to hate Jews. Israelis wholeheart­edly believe that accusation to be true. They know of the Fatah Party’s incendiary boast on Facebook that it had killed 11,000 Israelis and that the Palestinia­n Authority recently named its fourth school for Salah Khalaf, mastermind of the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes. While President Barack Obama obliquely acknowledg­ed in his eulogy for Shimon Peres, the former Israeli president and prime minister, that “youth are taught to hate Israel from an early age,” Trump gave Netanyahu a stage from which to make the accusation explicit.

Outward appearance­s of confidence notwithsta­nding, Palestinia­n leaders undoubtedl­y understand that the jig is up — gone (for now) are the days in which they can tell the world one story and their people another. That actually gives Israelis hope that — if the Palestinia­ns want political sovereignt­y — the Palestinia­n Authority will have to lay the groundwork by forging an entirely different narrative about Israel and Jews.

There is still no reason to assume that President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu can forge a deal. Trump’s White House is in disarray, Netanyahu is under investigat­ion for corruption and politicall­y weakened, Kushner has not a day of diplomatic experience, the other Arab countries that Trump and Netanyahu hope will be part of an agreement may or may not cooperate and Palestinia­n hatred of Jews may be too deeply entrenched.

Yet there is at least cause for a glimmer of hope. On Wednesday, whatever ambivalenc­es about Trump many Israelis have, they heard from a United States president sympatheti­c to their story, sensitive to their fears of Iran and committed to their safety. That may matter a great deal. For Israelis who feel safe and protected are infinitely more likely to make accommodat­ions for peace.

Daniel Gordis, Koret distinguis­hed fellow at Shalem College, is the author of Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn. — The New York Times Syndicate

Outward appearance­s of confidence notwithsta­nding, Palestinia­n leaders undoubtedl­y understand that the jig is up — gone (for now) are the days in which they can tell the world one story and their people another.

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