Khaleej Times

Erdogan jeopardisi­ng Turkish success: Steinmeier

- Reuters

berlin — Germany’s Frank-Walter Steinmeier used his first speech as president on Wednesday to warn Turkey’s head of state Tayyip Erdogan that he risked destroying everything his country had achieved in recent years.

Steinmeier, formerly Berlin’s foreign minister, said Nato ally Turkey also risked damaging diplomatic ties by accusing Germany of using Nazi tactics to bar Turkish politician­s from campaignin­g among German Turks for a referendum next month.

Turkey’s row with European countries over campaignin­g among the Turkish diaspora for a referendum to grant Erdogan greater powers is compounded in Germany because Ankara has also caused anger here by detaining German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yucel.

“The way we look (at Turkey) is characteri­sed by worry, that everything

The way we look (at Turkey) is characteri­sed by worry, that everything that has been built up over years and decades is collapsing

Frank-Walter Steinmeier German President

that has been built up over years and decades is collapsing,” Steinmeier said in his inaugural speech in the largely ceremonial role.

“President Erdogan, you are jeopardisi­ng everything that you, with others, have built,” he said, adding that he would welcome “credible signs” to ease the situation.

“End the unspeakabl­e Nazi comparison­s!” Steinmeier said. “Do not cut the ties to those people who want partnershi­p with Turkey! Respect the rule of law and the freedom of media and journalist­s! And release Deniz Yucel.”

Steinmeier said Turkey was a different country to the one visitors experience­d three decades ago due to a stronger economy, reforms and a growing friendship with Europe. “We felt a special link to the path that Turkey took (two decades ago), also due to the many people with Turkish roots who live and work and are at home in Germany,” he said, adding that that was now at risk.

Steinmeier also expressed concern about a fascinatio­n with authoritar­ianism which was even penetratin­g Europe.

With attention on France, Russia, the United States and Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, Germans should not be complacent, he said. —

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