Khaleej Times

Police prevent clerics’ rally against blasphemy

- AP

islamabad — Police blocked a rally on Friday in Islamabad by clerics seeking to press their calls for the death of social media activists accused of disrespect­ing Islam — an offence punishable by death in the country.

Hundreds of security forces sealed off and surrounded the Red Mosque, long seen as a refuge for radicals in the Pakistani capital, and the home of a religious leader, Maulana Abdul Aziz, preventing his followers from staging the gathering.

The clerics vowed to try again next week, having already launched blasphemy charges in the Islamabad High Court against five bloggers, who were held for nearly three weeks in January.

The bloggers — who went missing but were later returned unhurt to their families — have accused Pakistan’s intelligen­ce agency of orchestrat­ing their disappeara­nce because of their criticism of the military and intelligen­ce agencies.

Before their release, hardliners raised the accusation­s of blasphemy. Abdul Aziz’ son-inlaw and follower, Salman Shahid, went to court to charge all five bloggers with blasphemy. The five have since fled the country after also receiving death threats.

Amid the hearings in the court case, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government launched a campaign in an effort to rid social media of any content considered blasphemou­s — at least any posted by Pakistanis. —

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