Khaleej Times

Migrants from Mideast make America more competitiv­e

- SaMI MahrOUM — Sami Mahroum is Director of the Innovation & Policy Initiative at INSEAD and a member of the WEF Regional Strategy Group for the Middle East and North Africa. — Project Syndicate

In his 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein chose a Muslim linguist, “Dr. Mahmoud,” to help the book’s Martian-raised protagonis­t make the transition to life in the United States. Stranger may be fiction, but Heinlein’s selection of a Muslim interprete­r was rooted in reality. In fact, people from the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) have been “translator­s” of innovation and discovery in the US for decades.

Recent research that I undertook, together with two colleagues at the Austrian Institute of Technology, Georg Zahradnik and Bernhard Dachs, relied on patent data filed in the US to shed light on the role that individual­s of Arab, Kurdish, Persian, and Turkish ancestry play in the developmen­t of US technology. We began our research following US President Donald Trump’s executive order banning citizens from six predominan­tly Muslim countries from entering the US (the list originally included Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen; Iraq was later removed).

What we found came as no surprise to us. But those charged with ensuring that the US remains the world’s leader in bringing new ideas to market should be worried.

In 2013, there were approximat­ely one million Mena immigrants residing in the US, representi­ng 2.5 per cent of the country’s 41.3 million immigrants. About 43 per cent of Mena immigrants aged 25 and older had a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 28 per cent of all immigrants to the US, and 30 per cent of native-born US adults. If the million or so people of Persian and Turkish origin were included, the figures for educationa­l attainment would probably be even higher.

To approximat­e Mena immigrants’ contributi­on to US innovation, we crossmatch­ed some 2,500 Mena-specific first names with patent documents filed with the World Intellectu­al Property Organizati­on (WIPO). We found that from 2009 to 2013, there were 13,180 patent applicatio­ns filed by US organizati­ons, or individual­s residing in the US, in which at least one applicant had a Mena name. This represents 5.1 per cent of all US patent applicatio­ns to WIPO during the 2009-2013 period. And, because we selected Mena-specific names only, many Mena inventors who have names shared with other ethnicitie­s, such as Biblical names, were left out. The actual figures are certainly higher.

To put these findings in perspectiv­e, over the five-year period that we measured, we found that Mena-linked individual­s were involved in 220 US patent applicatio­ns each month. The number of patent applicatio­ns filed by US inventors with Mena background­s was double that in the European Union. With 1,780 patent applicatio­ns, California accounted for 15 per cent of all patents sought by Mena-linked inventors worldwide. Only Turkey had a larger number of inventors with a Mena background submitting applicatio­ns.

Other US states with a notable number of Mena-linked patent applicatio­ns were Texas and Massachuse­tts; Texas, for example, had only slightly fewer than Saudi Arabia during the 20092013 period.

On the face of it, the immigratio­n measures taken by the Trump administra­tion should not be a cause for great concern. There is very little investment in research and developmen­t flowing between the US and any of the targeted countries. But with more people of Mena origin subjected to so-called extreme vetting, fewer people from the region will be moving to the US. Such a decline would have a noticeable effect, as Mena inventors tend to be employed in technology fields that are at the core of US innovation.

Even citizens from visa-free countries who have Middle Eastern-sounding names are being asked to obtain a visa prior to traveling to the US. The measures have affected foreign visitors to the US of all stripes, from the Egyptian-born French historian Henry Rousso to African trade delegates from Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and South Africa. Not surprising­ly, people from around the world are thinking twice about visiting the US, with the airfare prediction app Hopper registerin­g a 17 per cent decline in online searches for flights to the US in the weeks after Trump’s ban was first proposed.

The US is more vulnerable to the impact of immigratio­n restrictio­ns on innovation than any other country in the world. From 2000 to 2010, it had eight times more patents filed by an immigrant (194,600) than its closest competitor, Germany (25,300). Depending on the discipline, anywhere from 24 per cent to 80 per cent of scientists and engineers employed in the US are foreign-born.

In other words, immigratio­n bans put the US – where 30 per cent of the country’s Nobel laureates were born somewhere else – at risk of losing its attractive­ness for foreign talent. University science department­s, particular­ly in discipline­s like engineerin­g, depend heavily on foreign students. Without access to this talent pool, some department­s would have no choice but to shut down. US firms, too, could find it necessary to relocate a greater share of their activities outside the US if restrictiv­e immigratio­n policies persist. Given the persistent visa and border-crossing hurdles, US companies may find it more advantageo­us to offshore their production and jobs.

In Stranger in a Strange Land, Dr. Mahmoud describes a “vulgar” American character who is “loud, probably ignorant, and almost certainly provincial.” For many Mena-linked inventors living and working in the US, and especially those seeking to relocate there, Mahmoud’s characteri­zation will resonate today. For everyone else, no translatio­n is needed.

The US is more vulnerable to the impact of immigratio­n restrictio­ns on innovation than any other country in the world

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