Khaleej Times

Eat less meat, more veggies to save the earth


GMOs, and inhumane treatment of livestock. Industrial agricultur­e degrades the soil, water, and atmosphere on an unpreceden­ted scale while harming wildlife and humans.

Another major problem with the way we currently produce and consume food is that more than 30 per cent of food is wasted. So-called “imperfect” produce is left in the field or discarded on the way to market or at the store. Edible food is left to rot in our refrigerat­ors. Much of it ends up in landfills where it emits greenhouse creates close to four times the emissions of chicken. Lamb is even worse than beef. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts create less than one-third the emissions of chicken (and a twelfth of beef).

So as a first step, drop beef and lamb from your diet and limit your daily consumptio­n of meat to less than four ounces. This starts you on the way to a healthier diet for you and for the earth.

In addition to caring for the environmen­t, caring about the people along the food production chain is an important

Recognisin­g how the food we eat is connected to other living beings helps us make more compassion­ate choices. By taking a stance with our buying choices, we help change our unsustaina­ble food system and industry practices, because companies respond to demand. By eating mindfully, we support local, affordable agricultur­e and help people around the world enjoy more eco-friendly and nutritious foods.

Just as little things matter in your personal relationsh­ips, little things matter in your relationsh­ip with the earth. By paying attention to what foods you consume, you become more aware of your part in the food system. Start by reducing animal products in your diet, reading labels carefully, and buying food grown closer to your home.

Your choices create positive impacts that reverberat­e throughout the food system and inspire the people around you. When you change your diet to be more compassion­ate and sustainabl­e, you become visible proof that changing our food habits is doable, healthy, and enjoyable.

By reducing your meat consumptio­n and supporting sustainabl­e agricultur­e, you can make a positive change in the world every day. When you pay attention to your impact, you are prioritizi­ng compassion for yourself, for others, and for the environmen­t.

Psychology Today

If you do eat meat, what kind of meat you eat makes a big difference. Beef creates close to four times the emissions of chicken. Lamb is even worse than beef

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