Khaleej Times

Meet the all-women Dubai police team

- Nilanjana Gupta nilanjana@khaleejtim­

dubai — GrowInG up, SHAmA ABDullAH RAsHID Al AlI AlwAys DrEAmED oF workInG wItH tHE DuBAI PolICE. “As A CHIlD, I usED to wAtCH movIEs wHErE polICEmEn AnD womEn woulD protECt pEoplE From vIllAIns AnD tHEy wErE HAIlED As HEroEs. I AlwAys wAntED to BE onE oF tHEm,” sHE sAID.

In 2013, sHE quIt HEr JoB wItH EmIrAtEs AIrlInE AnD JoInED tHE All-FEmAlE VIP ProtECtIon SquAD to mAkE HEr DrEAm ComE truE. “I’m prouD tHAt I work HErE AnD Don’t FEEl I Am Any lEss tHAn A mAn. WE stArt trAInInG At 6Am; wE run, Do ExErCIsEs AnD tHEn wE trAIn on motorBIkEs.” FormED In 1994, tHE All-FEmAlE VIP ProtECtIon SquAD ComprIsEs 45 EmIrAtI womEn trAInED In sHootInG, mArtIAl Arts AnD ComBAt tECHnIquEs. THE squAD HAs protECtED mAny VIPs, InCluDInG HIs HIGHnEss SHEIkH MoHAmmED BIn RAsHID Al MAktoum, VICE-PrEsIDEnt AnD PrImE MInIstEr oF tHE UAE AnD RulEr oF DuBAI, AnD SHEIkH HAmDAn BIn MoHAmmED BIn RAsHID Al MAktoum, Crown PrInCE oF DuBAI.

MAJor SAIF AHmAD SAIF Al ZEAABI, AssIstAnt mAnAGEr oF tHE AllWomEn VIP ProtECtIon UnIt, sAID: “I Don’t sEE Any DIffErEnCE BEtwEEn tHE mAlE AnD FEmAlE protECtIon tEAms. I HAvE Just onE tArGEt wHICH Is to protECt tHE VIP.

“THE DuBAI GovErnmEnt Is DoInG EvErytHInG For tHEm. THEy sEnD nEw motorBIkEs For my stAff. THEy sEnD tHEm ABroAD For trAInInG. Emirati women are part of the All-Female VIP

Protection Squad THEy Also GEt trAInErs From ABroAD to HElp my stAff,” HE ADDED.

FIrst WArrAnt OFFICEr FAtmA SAEED Al MAmArI, wHo JoInED tHE squAD 11 yEArs AGo, Is An ExpErt motorCyClI­st. SHE sAID: “WHEn wE ArE outDoors on Duty, mAny pEoplE ArE surprIsED to sEE us AnD wAnt to tAkE pICturEs wItH us. THEy ArE surprIsED to sEE womEn rIDE sports BIkEs. WHEn otHEr womEn sEE us protECtInG A VIP, tHEy GEt AmAzED AnD ArE InspIrED to Do tHE sAmE. THEy tEll mE tHAt tHEy Also wAnt to JoIn tHE DuBAI PolICE AnD our DEpArtmEnt.” THE lADIEs ArE sElECtED BAsED on tHEIr sHArpnEss, strEnGtH AnD fitnEss. FIrst CorporAl SArA JAmAl ElDIn ABDElsAtAr GEwIly JoInED tHE tEAm In SEptEmBEr 2017, pICkED For HEr sHootInG prowEss. “I wEnt tHrouGH A sHootInG tEst.

“PEoplE tHouGHt mAny yEArs AGo tHAt ArAB womEn ArEn’t AllowED to work AlonGsIDE mEn In polICE, But now you CAn sEE EvErytHInG HAs CHAnGED. Now womEn rIDE BIkEs, Fly plAnEs. SHEIkH MoHAmmED wAnts womEn to tAkE top posItIons In DuBAI AlonGsIDE mEn,” FAtmA SAEED Al MAmArI sAID.

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 ??  ?? The all-women squad has protected many VIPs, including Sheikh Mohammed and Sheikh Hamdan.
The all-women squad has protected many VIPs, including Sheikh Mohammed and Sheikh Hamdan.
 ??  ?? The squad members are well trained in shooting and combat.
The squad members are well trained in shooting and combat.

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