Khaleej Times

Three more cycling tracks in Dubai

- Staff Reporter

dubai — THE RoADs AnD TrAnsport AutHorIty (RTA) Is GEArInG up For tHE opEnInG oF CyClE trACks strEtCHInG 32km In MusHrIF, MIrDIF AnD Al KHAwAnEEJ EArly FEBruAry. THE proJECt InCluDEs tHE ConstruCtI­on oF two BrIDGEs For tHE ComBInED usE oF CyClIsts AnD pEDEstrIAn­s ovEr Al KHAwAnEEJ AnD ACADEmIC CIty StrEEts. THE proJECt Cost Amounts to DH67 mIllIon.

MAttAr Al TAyEr, DIrECtor-GEnErAl AnD CHAIrmAn oF tHE BoArD oF ExECutIvE DIrECtors oF tHE RTA, sAID: “WE AIm to provIDE rEsIDEntIA­l DIstrICts wItH An InFrAstruC­turE tHAt EnCourAGEs rEsIDEnts to prACtICE sports As It HAs ImmEnsE HEAltH BEnEfits to pEoplE. THE proJECt Is pArt oF A mAstEr plAn DEvElopED By RTA For provIDInG DEDICAtED CyClInG AnD runnInG trACks CovErInG tHE EntIrE EmIrAtE tHAt CAn BE usED As EnvIronmEn­t-FrIEnDly moBIlIty mEAns For CyClInG EntHusIAst­s. ADvAnCED CountrIEs FoCus on rAIsInG tHE proportIon oF trIps mADE By wAlkInG AnD CyClInG.

“THE sElECtIon oF tHEsE ArEAs wAs BAsED on sEvErAl CrItErIA HIGHlIGHtE­D By tHE populAtIon DEnsIty, AppEAl to CyClIsts AnD pEDEstrIAn­s, suItABIlIt­y oF loCAtIons AnD tHE trAFFIC sAFEty lEvEl. MorEovEr, trACks ArE DEsIGnED In suCH A wAy tHAt EnsurEs tHE sAFEty AnD sECurIty oF CyClIsts,” Al TAyEr ADDED.

OvEr tHE pAst FEw yEArs, tHE RTA HAD ConstruCtE­D CyClE trACks ExtEnDInG 218km CovErInG SEIH AssAlAm/BAB Al SHAms/Al QuDrA StrEEt, DuBAI WAtEr CAnAl, JumEIrAH StrEEt, KInG SAlmAn BIn ABDul AzIz Al SAuD StrEEt AnD Al MAnkHool StrEEt.

“RTA Is plAnnInG to ConstruCt morE CyClE trACks ExtEnDInG As lonG As 234km DurInG 20182021. THEsE trACks wIll pAss tHrouGH sEvErAl ArEAs InCluDInG Al WArqAA, JumEIrAH BEACH, NAD Al SHEBA, Expo 2020 sItE, Downtown, JEBEl AlI, Al Quoz, Al KArAmA, OuD MEtHA, Hor Al Anz, Al QusAIs AnD Al BArsHA. As suCH, tHE totAl lEnGtH oF CyClE trACks In DuBAI to ABout 500km By 2021,” ADDED Al TAyEr.


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