Khaleej Times

righT from The ToasTer oven

- manpreet Pannu Integrativ­e Nutrition Health Coach

Does bread count as a good carb? Bread made with minimal ingredient­s using a simple traditiona­l method counts as a good carb for most healthy individual­s. Most commercial breads are full of preservati­ves, additives, chemical dough conditione­rs, etc. The grains need to be prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour dough leavening; this isn’t followed in most of the commercial bread making processes. Due to this, bread becomes completely toxic for our health.

Which bread is the best in terms of nutritiona­l value?

A traditiona­l bread recipe is simple. It requires only three ingredient­s — flour, water and salt. Bread made with a traditiona­l method using the natural fermentati­on process (sour dough leavening) lends itself to pre-digestion of the flour, releasing micro-nutrients. This type of bread is nutritious and also easy to digest.

How unhealthy is white bread? Do you believe that “The whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead”?

Whole food is always better in terms of nutritiona­l value than its refined version. Most of the commercial dark coloured breads are as bad (or sometimes, worse) as the white ones. This is because if you look at the ingredient­s label, you don’t see just the three basic ingredient­s, but a list of chemicals. Don’t be fooled by the buzzwords like whole, sprouted, and/or gluten free on the front packaging. Take into considerat­ion how that bread was made, how the flour was made, and the preparatio­n of the grain itself. The closer the method is to the traditiona­l slow recipe, the healthier is the bread.

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