Khaleej Times

Empower them to end poverty, hunger


Today the world is celebratin­g Internatio­nal Women’s Day, an annual opportunit­y to recommit to gender equality. This year’s observance comes at an important time for women’s rights, as global movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp are refocusing attention on the discrimina­tory practices that women confront in their social and profession­al lives.

But while women in the developed world are waging big battles over gender bias, women and girls in developing countries remain focused on smaller victories. On this Internatio­nal Women’s Day, we must not forget that in the world’s poorest communitie­s, poverty, hunger, domestic violence, and discrimina­tion remain endemic obstacles to gender parity.

How can the internatio­nal community improve the welfare of the world’s poorest women? The answer, it turns out, is to help them do what they are already doing on their own.

One of the most effective ways to empower women anywhere, but especially in the developing world, is by promoting financial independen­ce. In many areas, that means supporting “informal savings groups,” networks of like-minded women who pay dues to build a shared pool of resources. This money can then be drawn on to fund items, such as small business expenses, school fees, or health-care costs.

Community-based savings groups — there are millions in Asia and Africa alone — are changing lives every day. I once met a woman in Burkina Faso whose son owes his life to the financial resources of a savings network. One evening, when the boy was violently ill with diarrhoea, his mother called a taxi to take him to the nearest clinic. But taxis, like ambulances, must be

Community-based savings groups — there are millions in Asia and Africa alone — are changing lives every day

paid for in advance, and the woman had no money. Fortunatel­y, a neighbour who belonged to a health savings group was able to pay the fare. That immediate access to cash very likely saved the boy’s life.

Most savings group loans are similarly small. In Benin, the average loan size in one group is just $9. But, in a country where the average annual income is less than $800, small amounts make a huge difference.

Unfortunat­ely, many savings groups do not scale; most operate in isolation from official services, which weakens their effectiven­ess. Women in poor communitie­s must rely on one another, but they also need access to government and internatio­nal agencies if they are ever to escape from hunger and poverty. That is why my organisati­on, the Grameen Foundation, is using digital technology and mobile phones to connect savings groups with other service providers.

One of our largest projects is in Burkina Faso, a desperatel­y poor country in West Africa where an estimated 55 per cent of the population is food insecure for at least a portion of the year. Since 1993, we have worked with more than 73,000 women in nearly 3,300 savings groups, bringing services directly to the women who need them. When we began the programme, only about half of the women we worked with said they felt empowered in their homes; many feared their husbands.

Today, those sentiments are slowly changing. By serving as a bridge between informal savings groups and banks, health centres, schools, and agricultur­al extension services, we are helping women make better decisions about food use, nutritiona­l practices, and spending. Our goal is to reduce poverty rates by strengthen­ing asset-management skills, which would give women a greater voice in their communitie­s. “Gender dialogue sessions” that we host are also strengthen­ing family bonds.

So this week, as the world celebrates the incredible progress that women have made on the long march to parity, I will be thinking about women like Rasmata, who have accomplish­ed so much despite having so little. —Project Syndicate


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