Khaleej Times

93 women diagnosed with cervical cancer every year in UAE

- jasmine@khaleejtim­ Jasmine Al Kuttab

abu dhabi — More than 1.8 million women in the UAE may be at risk of developing cervical cancer, which has killed an estimated 28 women last year alone, warn doctors.

Doctors in the UAE are urging women above 15 years to take preventati­ve measures, warning that around 93 women are diagnosed with the cancer each year.

Dr Saad Aswad, consultant gynaecolog­y oncology and chair of the obstetrici­an/gynaecolog­ist department, Tawam Hospital, told Khaleej Times that the deadly disease can be prevented, yet this type of cancer is considered the second most frequent cancer among women in the UAE, and the second largest cancer killer among women in this region.

Dr Aswad said that cases of cervical cancer are on the rise in the country, adding that in 1998 there were only four cervical cancer cases in the entire UAE, whereas today there are almost 100 cases.

He stressed that many expats travel back home for treatment, which is why the current estimation

If we vaccinate the girls against the human papillomav­irus (HPV), we can prevent cervical cancer by more than 90 per cent.”

Dr Saad Aswad, consultant gynaecolog­y oncology, Tawam Hospital

might be lower than the reality. “It is the second cancer affecting women after breast cancer, but it is a disease that can be prevented.”

He said the most common age groups of the women diagnosed with the disease in the UAE are women in the ages of late 30-50.

Dr Aswad added that 40 per cent of the patients are Emiratis, whereas 60 per cent are expats diagnosed with the disease.

Dr Aswad said that without proper screening and vaccinatio­ns, it has been predicted that 52 women will die each day from cervical cancer in the MENA region by 2035.

Vaccinate girls

“If we vaccinate the girls against the human papillomav­irus (HPV), we can prevent cervical cancer by more than 90 per cent.”

Women are advised to have the vaccine before they are sexually active. Abu Dubai is leading the fight against cervical cancer, as girls in schools have been administer­ed the HCP vaccines free of charge since 2008.

Until 2017, globally, 69 countries have added HPV vaccinatio­n to their national immunisati­on programme for girls, and 20 countries for boys.

Dr Muna Tahlak, consultant obstetrics and gynaecolog­y and CEO of Latifa Hospital, Dubai, UAE, said: “Early detection through screening can prevent the HPV virus developing into cancer, with pap smear screening being most successful test to detect cervical cancer at an early stage.”

“Yet, we are seeing that most cases of cervical cancer in the UAE are presenting for medical care in the latter stages of the disease, when chances of survival are slim and so the need for increasing education around preventati­ve care has never been greater.”

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