Khaleej Times

Canadian University Dubai hosts global seminar on how music shapes our lives


dubai — Breakthrou­gh findings on how music training affects a person’s journey into life were highlighte­d by internatio­nal experts from over 20 countries at the 27th Internatio­nal Pre-Conference Research Seminar of the Internatio­nal Society for Music Education (ISME), hosted by Canadian University Dubai (CUD) in Dubai recently.

In the inaugural address, Professor Evelyn Orman, Professor of Music Education, University of North Carolina and Chair of ISME Research Commission, underlined the importance of continuing research into this critical topic, and added that the commission­ers were impressed with the quality of papers that were submitted.

In a welcome address, Professor Karim Chelli, president of CUD, described music as an essential part of human developmen­t and stressed that research into music education has high relevance to all parts of the world, including the Mena region.

“I am confident the expert speakers and training workshops will provide new insights into the world of music education. I hope this major seminar will have a strong impact as our earlier initiative — the Conference on Climate Change — did earlier this year,” Chelli added.

The event was one of a series of internatio­nal seminars run as a precursor to the ISME World Conference, held in Azerbaijan on July 15. Dr Efthymios Papatzikis, Assistant Professor of Educationa­l Neuroscien­ce of Music and Sound at CUD, and executive organiser of the event, commented: “Research studies have shown that

It has been proven that music can finetune auditory skills, builds imaginatio­n and intellectu­al curiosity, teach discipline, and support the developmen­t of creative thinking. Dr Efthymios Papatzikis, Assistant Professor of Educationa­l Neuroscien­ce of Music and Sound at CUD

early musical training helps to develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning. By default, this will help students achieve mastery in cognitive reactions that can serve them well in education and beyond.

“It has been proven that music can fine-tune auditory skills, builds imaginatio­n and intellectu­al curiosity, teach discipline, and support the developmen­t of creative thinking. This conference aims to highlight these benefits and to encourage greater awareness and participat­ion in music education”.

The seminar concluded with a gala dinner hosted at The Address Boulevard, Dubai, supported by Dubai Business Events and Tourism Authoritie­s.

 ??  ?? Dr Efthymios Papatzikis and Professor Evelyn Orman at ISME.
Dr Efthymios Papatzikis and Professor Evelyn Orman at ISME.

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