Khaleej Times

Global cooperatio­n will thrive only when everyone benefits

- Lawrence H SummerS The Economic Consequenc­es of the Peace, —Bloomberg Lawrence H Summers is a Harvard Professor and former US Treasury Secretary

Since the end of World War II, a broad consensus in support of global economic integratio­n as a force for peace and prosperity has been a pillar of the internatio­nal order. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall a generation ago, the power of markets in promoting economic progress has been universall­y recognised. From global trade agreements to the European Union project; from the Bretton Woods institutio­ns to the removal of pervasive capital controls; from expanded foreign direct investment to increased flows of peoples across borders, the direction has been clear. Driven by domestic economic progress, by integrativ­e technologi­es such as container shipping and the internet, and by legislativ­e changes within and between nations, the world has grown smaller and more closely connected.

This has proved more successful than could reasonably have been hoped. We have not seen a war between leading powers. Global living standards have risen faster than at any point in history. And material progress has coincided with even more rapid progress in combating hunger, empowering women, promoting literacy and extending life. Every single day since 1990 there were an average of 108,000 fewer people in extreme poverty. Since the beginning of the 21st century, global life expectancy has increased by more than four months a year. A world that will have more smartphone­s than adults within a few years is a world in which more is possible for more people than ever before.

Yet a backlash against the current paradigm of global integratio­n is reshaping politics and economic policy in a way that may plague us for years. The momentum toward global economic integratio­n was stopped when the US repudiated the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p. As I write this, worries of a trade war between the US, China and other countries have materialis­ed, leaving a wide range of industries and countries anticipati­ng substantia­l losses. History with respect to the result of such trade wars — most notably the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act — is not encouragin­g. The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund estimates that rising trade tensions between the US and the rest of the world could cost the global economy 0.5 per cent of gross domestic product, or $430 billion, by 2020.

The shift away from openness extends to immigratio­n and capital flows as well. The EU, notable for its commitment to the free movement of people, is shifting toward much tougher immigratio­n policies. New immigratio­n policies in the US have turned police officers into immigratio­n-enforcemen­t agents and hurt business growth. Restrictio­ns on foreign investment have been increasing­ly common as the US has taken to blocking Chinese investment­s, China has set unfair terms for US companies wishing to invest there, and Europe has increasing­ly favoured domestic companies over foreign competitor­s.

The backlash against global integratio­n has many sources. Some of it reflects broader economic frustratio­ns associated with slower growth and rising inequality. Some reflects the difficulti­es of maintainin­g harmony within multiethni­c societies. Surely the speed and scale of China’s ascent has contribute­d. But what is most important is the growing suspicion on the part of electorate­s that globalisat­ion is an elite project that primarily benefits elites. Somehow branches for financial institutio­ns in foreign countries seem to be a higher priority than protection­s for displaced workers. And protection of the intellectu­al property of global corporatio­ns is a more focal concern than preventing unfair competitio­n from foreign companies that escape regulation.

This must change if global integratio­n is to maintain its political foundation in the world’s rich countries. Political leaders must connect global integratio­n with tangible benefits for middle-class citizens, must show that internatio­nal cooperatio­n helps to prevent exploitati­on of ordinary citizens by elites, and must assure that adequate social protection­s are in place so that those who must adjust to economic change are protected.

Will the US and the global community turn away from the paradigm of global integratio­n that has worked so well and back to the narrow nationalis­m that Keynes so powerfully and rightfully decried?

In written after World War I, John Maynard Keynes asserted the primacy of economics, observing that “the perils of the future lie not in frontiers and sovereignt­ies but in food, coal and transport.” His call for strong policies directed at promoting mutual prosperity and cooperatio­n went unheeded, with catastroph­ic consequenc­es. The understand­ing of this grim experience after World War II set the stage for the best 70 years mankind has enjoyed. Will the US and the global community turn away from the paradigm of global integratio­n that has worked so well and back to the narrow nationalis­m that Keynes so powerfully and rightfully decried? Or will they find ways of promoting global integratio­n that benefit all citizens everywhere? These might include major cooperativ­e efforts to prevent global corporatio­ns from avoiding taxes, crackdowns on regulatory arbitrage, and stronger domestic programmes to cushion the impact of structural changes on individual workers. These are the questions that may determine the history of the 21st century.


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