Khaleej Times

‘AlThOugh life-ThReATenin­g, sTROKe is pRevenTAbl­e’


Stroke may have become too common in the UAE and elsewhere in the world; however, doctors say it is largely preventabl­e.

“Eighty per cent of strokes can be prevented if people simply take care of themselves,” said Dr Halprashan­th DS, a consultant for neurology, Burjeel Hospital. Diabetes, hypertensi­on, lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol consumptio­n are major risk factors, which are similar to those for heart attacks.

Dr Derk Krieger, chief of neurology, Mediclinic City Hospital, Dubai, pointed out that a huge chunk of the stroke cases could be attributed to sedentary lifestyles.

“Stroke is a leading concern in the UAE and it is increasing among younger people because of the sedentary lifestyle and stress,” Dr Krieger said. Eating healthier, getting active, taking some time to relax and unwind, and maintainin­g a balanced lifestyle all help in reducing one’s chances of suffering from a stroke.

Dr Krieger said the overall mortality of a stroke is around 15 per cent; however, the untreated disability is approximat­ely 50 per cent of all cases.

He also warned that it is timesensit­ive, adding: “You only have a few hours to act on a stroke.”

“People need to diagnose themselves and act appropriat­ely. If someone has a weakness in one side for instance, it is urgent to get them into the hospital quickly — you don’t have time to sleep it over.”

Changing unhealthy lifestyles and dietary choices are critical, as they are causing severe consequenc­es to the health of the population in the country.

“The stroke trend is shifting towards younger people, and they will ultimately have to live longer with the disability,” he said.

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