Khaleej Times

Get used to a free world ruled by the far right

Populist leaders are simply questionin­g the concept of free migration and relevance of global institutio­ns

- Quinn Slobodian —NYT Syndicate Quinn Slobodian is an author and history professor at Wellesley College

In a recent speech at the United Nations, US President Donald Trump railed against “the ideology of globalism” and “unelected, unaccounta­ble global bureaucrac­y.” For those of us who came of age in the 1990s, there was an eerie sense of déjà vu. Then, too, there were protests against global institutio­ns insulated from democratic decision-making. In the most iconic confrontat­ion, my college classmates helped scupper the World Trade Organizati­on meeting in Seattle in 1999.

The movement called for “altergloba­lisation” — a different kind of globalisat­ion more attentive to labour and minority rights, the environmen­t and economic equality. Two decades later, traces of that movement are hard to find. But something surprising has happened in the meantime. A new version of alter-globalisat­ion has won — from the right.

We often hear that world politics is divided between open versus closed societies, between globalists and nationalis­ts. But these analyses obscure the real challenge to the status quo.

Trump and the far right preach not the end of globalisat­ion, but their own strain of it, not its abandonmen­t but an alternativ­e form. They want robust trade and financial flows, but they draw a hard line against certain kinds of migration. The story is not one of open versus closed, but of the right cherrypick­ing aspects of globalisat­ion while rejecting others. Goods and money will remain free, but people won’t.

The current US trade war is a case in point. Commentato­rs lament that Trump is tearing up the rules America itself created more than 80 years ago and conjure up visions of the 1930s, when nations and empires dreamed of total self-sufficienc­y. Yet they overlook the fact that the actions of the president and his influentia­l trade representa­tive Robert Lighthizer betray no desire to withdraw from the world market.

Quite the opposite. The express effort is to use unilateral action to bully other countries, China in particular, into better market access for American products. The point of comparison is not the dreams of economic self-sufficienc­y of the 1930s but Ronald Reagan’s assault on Japanese competitio­n in the 1980s. “The basic philosophy that we have is that we want free trade without barriers,” Lighthizer explained to Congress.

In Britain, the Brexit campaign was built on the demand to “take back control”

and fearmonger­ing about refugees and immigrants. Withdrawal from the world economy was never on the programme. On the contrary, the Brexiteers championed a pivot from the European economy to the global one unfettered by the regulation­s of Brussels and the European Court of Justice. Almost all negotiatio­ns since the vote to leave have been in pursuit of a vision in which the free flow of goods and money across the channel can be preserved while labour migration can be squelched. A recent report from British and American think tanks close to the Brexiteers proposes a new free trade agreement between the two countries that could act as an embryonic World

Trade Organizati­on 2.0 that would target more directly Chinese state subsidies for industries and the lingering state-provided social services like the National Health Service.

The pattern of right-wing alter-globalisat­ion is repeated in Germany and Austria, where the Alternativ­e for Germany and the Austrian Freedom Party have recently recorded electoral wins. Neither party proposes national selfsuffic­iency or economic withdrawal. In their programmes, the rejection of economic globalisat­ion is highly selective. The EU is condemned, but the language demanding increased trade and competitiv­eness is entirely mainstream. The Alternativ­e for Germany takes fiscal conservati­sm to an absurd degree with criminal charges demanded for policymake­rs who overspend.

Free market capitalism is not rejected but anchored more deeply in conservati­ve family structures and in a group identity defined against an Islamic threat from the East. Several of the Alternativ­e for Germany’s leaders are also members in a society named after Friedrich Hayek, often seen as the archthinke­r of free-market globalism.

Even the “alt-right,” usually seen as the epitome of the fortress mentality of separatist survivalis­m, contains significan­t strains of alter-globalisat­ion. Some of the alt-right’s most prominent figures, from Richard to Christophe­r Cantwell (better known as the crying Nazi from the 2017 Charlottes­ville, Va., protest), have expressed their sympathies for the radical form of libertaria­nism known as anarcho-capitalism.

Many people on the alt-right — including the premier anarcho-capitalist thinker, the German economist HansHerman­n Hoppe — believe that cultural homogeneit­y is a preconditi­on for socioecono­mic order. Hoppe envisions a dissolutio­n of the current world map of states into thousands of tiny units the size of Hong Kong, Andorra and Monaco without representa­tive government and ruled only by private contract.

The varieties of right-wing alter-globalisat­ion differ significan­tly in degrees of horror. What they share is a rejection not of the “postwar internatio­nal order” but of the order of the 1990s. In the cross hairs are the products of that decade, above all, the crown jewels of neoliberal globalism: the WTO, the European Union and Nafta (which was recently renegotiat­ed and renamed).

The right’s alter-globaliser­s unite in a condemnati­on of the structures of multilater­al governance that emerged from that decade along with their implicatio­n that democracy and capitalism were twins joined at the reported “end of history.” Instead, in a forthright embrace of inegalitar­ianism, they question the ability of every country and every population to practice democratic capitalism and propose a departure from status quo democratic capitalism themselves.

The idea that openness is under attack is too vague. The formula of rightwing alter-globalisat­ion is: yes to free finance and free trade. No to free migration, democracy, multilater­alism and human equality.

The far right preach not the end of globalisat­ion, but their own strain of it, not its abandonmen­t but an alternativ­e form.

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