Khaleej Times


Inventor says WWW is not the Web we wanted, it must emerge from adolescenc­e

- — AP, Reuters,

The inventor of the World Wide Web knows his revolution­ary innovation is coming of age, and doesn’t always like what he sees: state-sponsored hacking, online harassment, hate speech and misinforma­tion among the ills of its “digital adolescenc­e.”

Tim Berners-Lee issued a cri-de-coeur letter and spoke to a few reporters on Monday on the eve of the 30-year anniversar­y of his first paper with an outline of what would become the web — a first step toward transformi­ng countless lives and the global economy.

The European Organizati­on for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, plans to host Berners-Lee and other web aficionado­s on Tuesday. “We’re celebratin­g, but we’re also very concerned,” Berners-Lee said.

Late last year, a key threshold was crossed — roughly half the world has gotten online. Today some 2 billion websites exist.

The anniversar­y offers “an opportunit­y to reflect on how far we have yet to go,” Berners-Lee said, calling the “fight” for the web “one of the most important causes of our time.”

He is convinced the online population will continue to grow, but says accessibil­ity issues continue to beset much of the world.

“Look at the 50 per cent who are on the web, and it’s not so pretty for them,” he said. “They are all stepping back suddenly horrified after the Trump and Brexit elections realizing that this web thing that they thought was so cool has actually not necessaril­y been serving humanity very well.”

The anniversar­y is also a nod to the innovative, collaborat­ive and opensource mindset at the Geneva-based CERN, where physicists smash particles together to unlock secrets of science and the universe.

As a young English software engineer, Berners-Lee came up with the idea for hypertext-transfer protocol — the “http” that adorns web addresses — and other building blocks for the web while working at CERN in March 1989. Some trace the actual start of the web to 1990, when he released the first web browser.

Berners-Lee reminisced about how he was really out to get disparate computer systems to talk to one another, and resolve the “burning frustratio­n” over a “lack of interopera­bility” of documentat­ion from disparate computing systems used at CERN in the late 1980s.

Now, the hope of his World Wide Web Foundation is to enlist government­s, companies, and citizens to take a greater role in shaping the web for good under principles laid out in its “Contract for the Web.”

Under the contract’s sweeping, broad ambition, government­s are supposed to make sure everyone can connect to the internet, to keep it available and to respect privacy. Companies are to make the internet affordable, respect privacy and develop technology that will put people — and the “public good” — first. Citizens are to create and to cooperate and respect “civil discourse,” among other things. “It seems we don’t finish reeling from one privacy disaster before moving onto the next one,” he added, citing concerns about whether social networks were supporting democracy.

“If we give up on building a better web now, then the web will not have failed us. We will have failed the web”, he wrote.

To Berners-Lee, the web is a “mirror of humanity” where “you will see good and bad.”

“The Contract for the Web recognises that whether humanity, in fact, is constructi­ve or not actually depends on the way you write the code of the social network,” he said.

Some tough regulation may be necessary in some places, in others not, Berners-Lee said.

On one issue, he’s insistent: “Net neutrality — strong regulation,” Berners-Lee said, hammering a fist on the table. He was alluding to a principle that anyone with an internet connection should have equal access to video, music, email, photos, social networks, maps and other online material. “You should have complete control of your data. It’s not oil. It’s not a commodity,” he said. When it comes to personal data, “you should not be able to sell it for money,” he said, “because it’s a right”.

“Given how much the web has changed in the past 30 years, it would be defeatist and unimaginat­ive to assume that the web as we know it can’t be changed for the better in the next 30,” he wrote.

Berners-Lee said the web has created opportunit­y, made lives easier and given the marginalis­ed a voice, but “it has also created opportunit­y for scammers, given a voice to those who spread hatred, and made all kinds of crime easier to commit.”

Ultimately, his “Contract” proposal is not about “quick fixes,” but a process for shifting people’s relationsh­ip with the online world, he said.

“It’s our journey from digital adolescenc­e to a more mature, responsibl­e and inclusive future,” he wrote.

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