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ISIL beheads Palmyra’s former antiquitie­s chief, 82

Top archaeolog­ist killed for being director of ‘idols’


BEIRUT // ISIL militants have beheaded the 82-year-old former antiquitie­s director for the ancient city of Palmyra.

Photos showing Khaled Al Assaad’s body tied to a post in Palmyra were circulated online by ISIL supporters.

Syria’s antiquitie­s chief Maamoun Abdelkarim said Assaad was executed by the extremists on Tuesday afternoon in Palmyra, in central Homs province.

“Daesh has executed one of Syria’s most important antiquitie­s experts,” Mr Abdelkarim said.

“He was the head of antiquitie­s in Palmyra for 50 years and had been retired for 13 years ... He was 82 years old.”

Mr Abdelkarim said the former antiquitie­s official’s body had been hung in the ancient ruins in Palmyra after being beheaded.

But the photo circulatin­g online showed a body on a median strip of a main road, tied to what appeared to be a lamp post.

A sign attached to the body identified it as that of Assaad.

It accused him of being a regime loyalist for representi­ng Syria in conference­s abroad with “infidels” and of being director of Palmyra’s “idols”.

It also claimed he had been in contact with regime officials.

Mr Abdelkarim said Assaad had been detained by ISIL fighters a month earlier and that they were looking for “stores of gold” in the city. “I deny wholeheart­edly that these stores exist,” he said.

The Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor, also reported the execution, saying Assaad had been killed “in front of dozens of people”.

ISIL captured Palmyra, a renowned Unesco World Heritage site, from government forces on May 21, fuelling concerns about the fate of the city’s antiquitie­s.

So far, the city’s most famous sites have been left intact, although there are reports ISIL has mined them, and the group reportedly destroyed a famous statue of a lion outside the Palmyra museum in late June.

Most of the pieces in the city’s museum were removed by antiquitie­s staff before ISIL arrived, though the group has blown up several historic Muslim graves.

 ?? AFP ?? Khaled Al Assaad had been held by ISIL fighters after being captured last month.
AFP Khaled Al Assaad had been held by ISIL fighters after being captured last month.

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