The National - News

Rethinking the giants of tech

Technologi­cal companies have evolved to something much better than the internet


Bill Gates thinks that robots should be taxed. The Microsoft co-founder feels that the pace of robot automation is now so fast that the companies that use robots should be subject to a special tax that could slow the pace of automation. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, in a manifesto posted last week, believes that his social media platform is now an integral part of the global infrastruc­ture. The 5,000-word manifesto reads more like a political speech than a report on a technology company.

What is the link between these two bits of technology-related news? On the surface, not that much, but if we take a step back both items actually challenge us to rethink how we understand technology companies. Bill Gates wants us to employ traditiona­l economic measures to essentiall­y keep technology at bay. We have become too advanced, Mr Gates is implicitly arguing. So we need the government to step in and establish protection­s for workers at risk of losing their jobs to robots. A brave new world indeed.

Mark Zuckerberg, on the other hand, is underlinin­g the global reach of his company and explained just how critical Facebook’s services are to the world. He no longer runs a simple social media platform: he controls a company that can sway political elections, change economic patterns and shape the very way we think. Many have read his manifesto as evidence that Mr Zuckerberg plans to run for public office, but would such a shift really change the amount of power that he commands at Facebook or just make him more accountabl­e to the public?

The fact of the matter is that we must transform how we think about major technology companies. These companies no longer exist solely on the internet but influence global politics and society. As we continue to willingly hand over the most intimate details of our lives, we should be aware that one day these companies could be in positions of actual political power around the world. These developmen­ts are not dangerous, but we must bear in mind the evolution we are witnessing and are a part of as it will surely shape the course of history.

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