The National - News

Alarm bells on health risk to young women

Metabolic condition found in high rates

- Daniel Bardsley

ABU DHABI // A study has suggested a worryingly high rate of metabolic syndrome – often linked to obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure – among young Emirati women.

The UAE University recently studied 555 students aged between 17 and 25 and found that 39 of them had the condition.

S A, 23, had not heard of metabolic syndrome until the study found she had it.

“I was really worried and asked the researcher for help in understand­ing my situation,” she said.

Its rate among the young Emiratis is of concern, said lead researcher Dr Ayesha Al Dhaheri.

“I think finding a high prevalence earlier will be an alarm to act fast in reducing this number,” said Dr Al Dhaheri, chairwoman of UAEU’s nutrition and health department.

Metabolic syndrome is found in people who have several factors from a list linked to heart disease or Type 2 diabetes.

The study measured waists, body fat and weight of the students, and analysed their blood for cholestero­l, fat and glucose.

The students also answered a questionna­ire about their smoking, dietary and sleep habits.

Other studies in the Gulf had similar results. One found that 7.8 per cent of women aged 18 to 26 in Saudi Arabia had the condition, while among girls and young women aged 10 to 19 in Kuwait, the prevalence was at least 9 per cent.

These are much higher than in most other parts of the world.

The researcher­s noted that other studies have indicated that the prevalence is 4.7 per cent among young women tested in America, 2.5 per cent in China and only 1.7 per cent in Brazil. In India, 11.7 per cent of the young women tested had metabolic syndrome.

It is also more common in older people, and one study from 2012 indicated that 1 in 4 people in the Middle East has the condition.

The paper’s eight authors, who are based at UAEU or the University of Oxford in the UK, said dietary changes and a lack of physical activity were partly to blame for the prevalence of obesity and related conditions in the UAE.

S A attributed her condition to lifestyle.

“I eat out most days and I do not go the gym as often as I should. I love eating chocolate and fries,” she said.

Researcher­s advised her to become more active and to eat less fast food, fried food and sugar. “I am doing my best to reduce my weight and waist circumfere­nce. I also check my lipid profile regularly,” S A said.

AN, a 26-year-old from Dubai, was another who had metabolic syndrome diagnosed. She said that among her friends, “most say we don’t have time to do exercise”.

“Most of the students, they are joining university or schools, so it’s easy for them to take fast food or junk food. It’s better than taking healthy food because it needs to be prepared,” she said.

“You can find healthy food in the supermarke­ts but they have the mentality to buy fast food.”

Dr Al Dhaheri said preventive measures were key to reducing the problems associated with the condition, which could lead to death if not dealt with.

“Early identifica­tion and regular screening of diseases should be introduced for this age group,” she said. “Also, awareness programmes should take place in schools and universiti­es, especially when it comes to enhancing physical activity.

“The reduction in the consumptio­n of a high calorie diet and following a healthy lifestyle can be emphasised.” The most common characteri­stic linked to the syndrome among the participan­ts was low levels of high-density lipoprotei­n, or “good cholestero­l”, which was found among 48.8 per cent of participan­ts.

Good cholestero­l foods include beans and legumes, whole grains, high-fibre fruits, fatty fish and nuts.

At 18.2 per cent ,the next most common characteri­stic was a large waist circumfere­nce.

The researcher­s suggested that genetic factors could also help to explain the syndrome’s prevalence.

They highlighte­d the “thrifty gene hypothesis” suggesting that during hunter- gatherer times, certain genes predispose­d people to accumulate fat to tide them over times when sustenance was unavailabl­e.

In today’s world, such genes cause people to put on weight.

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 ?? Mona Al Marzooqi / The National ??
Mona Al Marzooqi / The National

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