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Our expert explains rent control and economics


Most people are convinced housing shortages are the result of greedy landlords charging unjustly high rents.

Landlords are also held responsibl­e for the low quality of affordable housing – apparently their fixation with short-term financial returns stops them from maintainin­g properties in a satisfacto­ry manner, aided by their callous disregard for the interests of tenants.

Therefore, in an attempt to tackle the housing shortages, especially for the poorest segments of society, a favoured policy among policymake­rs is rent control. Such measures are common across the Arabian Gulf – Abu Dhabi introduced a rent cap in 2006 to prevent soaring rents when the population was rising rapidly and housing constructi­on was failing to keep pace. But do the good intentions of rent-control advocates result in good outcomes?

Price controls, as well as the specific case of rents, are a well-studied phenomenon and, for the most part, they do not serve their intended purpose. In fact, like many populist policies, they end up hurting the very groups they are nominally designed to assist.

The total stock of housing – similar to most commoditie­s – is not fixed. The total number available for rent or purchase is determined by the volume of resources dedicated by capitalist­s to the production of housing, including land, material inputs and labour. Therefore, if society wants to have more housing, unless the government is going to produce or commandeer housing units, private capitalist­s have to be given an incentive to produce more housing units.

In particular, they have to be convinced that building housing units serves their interests better than any one of the numerous alternativ­es. For example, they could build a supermarke­t, a hotel or a factory; or they may choose to transform the land into a farm.

The key variable in determinin­g the option that capitalist­s go for is the financial return they can earn compared with the alternativ­es. If market conditions allow capitalist­s to earn a lot from renting out their housing units, and modest amounts from opening a store or a restaurant, then they will choose to produce more housing.

Consequent­ly, if the government imposes a ceiling on rents, then it is also capping the attractive­ness to capitalist­s of producing housing units. If the rent control is quite stringent compared with the rent level that would balance markets, then the rent control will directly cause a shortage. Prospectiv­e lessors will demand more units than are available and capitalist­s will fail to respond to the shortage because they are being legally denied the financial compensati­on they require to commit the necessary resources. In the absence of rent control, shortages are transient because rents will rise to the level required to induce sufficient supply. Therefore, rent control creates sustained housing shortages by impairing the market’s ability to solve shortages.

Unfortunat­ely for tenants, the fallout from rent control goes beyond shortages – they also lead to a deteriorat­ion in the quality of housing units. Just like the production of housing units, the maintenanc­e of housing units is the result of purposeful decisions by capitalist­s to dedicate resources to the activity, and rent control forcibly reduces the financial rewards they can earn. Thus, the imposition of rent control inevitably results in the under-maintenanc­e of housing units, reducing quality of life and possibly even creating a safety risk to tenants.

The experience of communist economies prior to 1990 confirms that this logic extends to most commoditie­s – countries such as the USSR, where price controls were common, were characteri­sed by extreme shortages and terrible quality. Would you not be reluctant to work, and deliver lower quality work, if your wages were artificial­ly capped?

Everyone with knowledge of housing markets will concede that rent control creates shortages and diminishes quality.

However, a legitimate response would be that the alternativ­e, unrestrict­ed rents,

Everyone with knowledge of housing markets will concede that rent control creates shortages

is potentiall­y worse, because it guarantees that low-income groups are priced out. This is a key driver of the Abu Dhabi Government’s decision to impose rent caps. In effect, government­s may decide they prefer shortages that allow at least some low-income groups to afford houses, to a balanced housing market where the less fortunate can never summon the necessary resources.

In the next article in the series, we will see why some rent-control regimes systematic­ally discrimina­te against low-income households, with the lucky tenants who manage to secure housing being disproport­ionately rich; while alternativ­e rent control regimes simply drain the resources of low-income households in other ways.

Should we, therefore, simply let the market determine rents, and accept the pricing out of low-income households as inescapabl­e collateral damage? In the final article in the series, we will explain why government­s persist with rent control, despite its apparent ineffectiv­eness, and we will also examine some of the effective alternativ­es for defending the rights of all income-segments to safe, quality housing.

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