The National - News

Dubai worker who stole for father’s operation loses appeal bid


A Dubai Duty Free employee who stole money to cover lifesaving surgery for his father will have to see out his prison term.

“I was an exemplary employee for several years, but I had no choice since my father urgently needed life-saving surgery,” the Moroccan, 32, told the Dubai Criminal Court.

The court sentenced him to three months in jail.

He appealed against the prison term, and told Dubai Court of Appeal that he admitted to the first mistake that he had made in many years of service.

Prosecutor­s said that on April 1, he collected money from the section in which he worked at Dubai Duty Free at Dubai airport.

He kept Dh22,778 before handing the rest to the accountant.

“I only took the amount needed for my father’s surgery and I wouldn’t have done it if it was not an emergency,” the Moroccan said.

“Every other way in my path was blocked. This was the only thing I could think of to get the money.

“I am a father of two and I am their only provider, your honour.”

A Dubai Airport security officer received a call from the accountant informing them that some of the money from the defendant’s section was missing. “I checked the cameras and saw the defendant checking the profit then taking it in a bag and heading to the restrooms,” said the Egyptian security officer.

The guard said that after seeing the film he called police to report the theft.

They checked the defendant’s details and found that he was at Abu Dhabi Internatio­nal Airport waiting for a flight to Morocco.

He was arrested and the money never got to his father.

He was fined Dh22,778 and will be deported after serving his prison term.

He told Dubai Court of Appeal that he admitted to the first mistake he had made in many years of service

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