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Sights set on Beijing’s island-building programme in bold gesture at annual gathering of Asean foreign ministers

- Agence France-Presse

Vietnam has urged other South-East Asian nations to take a stronger stand against Chinese expansioni­sm in the South China Sea, as a regional security forum began in Manila yesterday.

Before the annual gathering of foreign ministers from the 10-member Associatio­n of South-East Asian Nations, Vietnam made a bold play against China with suggested changes to a planned joint communique.

It set the stage for a fiery few days of diplomacy in the Philippine capital, with ministers from China, the US, Russia and North Korea to join Asean members and other Asia-Pacific partners for security talks from today.

The meetings will take place as the UN Security Council votes this weekend on a US-drafted resolution to toughen sanctions against North Korea to punish the government for its missile tests.

The US said it would also seek to build pressure on Pyongyang at the Asean regional forum.

After their own day of meetings yesterday, Asean foreign ministers expressed “grave concerns” over the North’s first two interconti­nental ballistic missile tests that were carried out last month.

“These developmen­ts seriously threaten peace, security and stability in the region and the world,” they said.

But on the South China Sea dispute there was far less consensus, with Vietnam resisting efforts by the Philippine­s to placate Beijing.

Vietnam on Friday night sought to insert tough language into the foreign ministers’ statement.

Hanoi lobbied for Asean to express serious concern over “constructi­on” in the sea, in reference to China’s building of artificial islands in the disputed waters in recent years.

Vietnam also wanted Asean to insist that a planned code of conduct for the sea with China be “legally binding”, which Beijing opposes.

The lobbying occurred as the Asean ministers held unschedule­d and informal talks late on Friday night.

“The discussion­s were really hard. Vietnam is on its own to have stronger language on the South China Sea,” a diplomat said. “Cambodia and the Philippine­s are not keen to reflect that.”

China claims nearly all of the sea, including waters approachin­g the coasts of Vietnam, the Philippine­s, Malaysia and Brunei.

Beijing has in recent years expanded its presence in the sea by building the artificial islands, which are capable of holding military bases.

The Philippine­s used to be one of the most vocal critic of Beijing’s expansioni­sm, but under president Rodrigo Duterte it has sought to downplay the dispute in return for billions of dollars in Chinese investment­s and aid.

China has in recent years also successful­ly lobbied other Asean nations, particular­ly Cambodia, to support its diplomatic manoeuvrin­g in the dispute.

Diplomats said Vietnam was likely to lose its battle to insert the strong language against China, with the Philippine­s as host wielding greater influence.

Asean is set to adopt a framework for a code of conduct with China, which is meant to pave the way for more concrete action.

But security analysts pointed out that the framework comes 15 years after negotiatio­ns on the issue first began, and China has used that time to cement its claims with the artificial islands.

Another pressing issue in Manila will be the growing threat of terrorism in the region.

The event is taking place as Philippine security forces battle ISIL-aligned gunmen who have since May been occupying parts of Marawi, the nation’s main Muslim city about 800 kilometres to the south of Manila.

US secretary of state Rex Tillerson is set to meet Mr Duterte at the event, with those talks expected to cover the Philippine president’s controvers­ial drug war that has claimed thousands of lives.

The discussion­s were really hard. Vietnam is on its own with stronger language on the South China Sea. Cambodia and the Philippine­s are not keen to reflect that

 ??  ?? Foreign ministers from South-East Asian Nations at the opening ceremony of the 50th Asean meeting in Manila, Philippine­s, yesterday
Foreign ministers from South-East Asian Nations at the opening ceremony of the 50th Asean meeting in Manila, Philippine­s, yesterday

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