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Secularism should not be a dirty word

The reaction to comments from the UAE’s ambassador to Washington lacks nuance


There is a war of words under way in the region, one that has been stoked by certain media outlets that are intent on exploiting and widening sectarian rifts and points of difference. Most recently, Qatari broadcaste­r Al Jazeera attempted to tug at one such thread after Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE’s ambassador to Washington, publicly stated that the GCC and neighbouri­ng countries wish for “secular, stable, prosperous, empowered and strong government­s”.

Mr Al Otaiba was interviewe­d on the Charlie Rose show on America’s PBS channel and mentioned the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Bahrain as the countries in question, while asserting that for the past 10 to 15 years Qatar has routinely funded Islamist militias in Libya, Syria and elsewhere by empowering groups that champion the manipulati­on of religious concepts to brainwash and control.

Mr Al Otaiba was referring to a formula for strengthen­ing governance and having stable states in a region in need of stability. While the word “secular” in English does not correlate with the marginalis­ing of religion, its Arabic equivalent has connotatio­ns of atheism on an individual level.

Despite the fact that the word “ilmania”, Arabic for secularism, has its etymologic­al roots in “ilm”, which translates as knowledge, the word has come to imply a turning away from religion or the exclusion of religion from all aspects of life. After decades of political division over ideology, espousing secularism became synonymous with being anti-religious among many who did not understand it as a concept. In the Middle East, it has loaded connotatio­ns that are manipulate­d by those wanting to shut down any debate about statehood, modernity and moderation.

Highlighti­ng efforts to confront the mixing of religion and politics – and elevating spirituali­ty from the murky waters of politics – is part of an important debate in this region and beyond. As Hassan Hassan recently argued in The National, it is time to stop allowing ill-informed extremists to hijack verses and pervert the specific context within which they emerged.

Indeed, it is time these misconcept­ions were laid to rest. While countries such as France have taken their secularist mantras, notably “la laicite”, beyond issues of governance to include individual practices in public, the UAE remains at the forefront of nations governing through a strong rule of law, while not only accommodat­ing all religions, but upholding the tenets of Islam.

Writing in The National, Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, the UAE Minister of State for Tolerance, reminds us that “the notion of tolerance faces threats from within and abroad”. As Dr Ali bin Tamim, director-general of Abu Dhabi Media, recently said, “when you believe in knowledge and not fallacies, you can shout out with full confidence: ‘I am the church bell and the muezzin of the mosque’, and under knowledge and knowledgea­bility – or secularism – we can bury the hypocrisy of extremists”.

The fight against manipulati­on starts with redefining – or reassertin­g – the true meanings of concepts that are otherwise deeply rooted in true Islam.

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