The National - News

New York pastor is latest to desert Trump over reaction to Charlottes­ville violence

President attacked by his own arts committee for ‘hateful rhetoric’


Donald Trump yesterday thanked Steve Bannon for his “service”, a day after the US president parted ways with his former chief strategist and key campaign ally.

A champion of the nationalis­t-populist agenda that carried Mr Trump to power last November, Mr Bannon, 63, was the fourth senior White House figure to depart within five weeks.

He left behind a government reeling from the fallout over the president’s response to a violent white supremacis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia last weekend.

Hours after the news broke that Mr Bannon was leaving, a New York “mega-church” pastor announced he was stepping down from Mr Trump’s evangelica­l advisory board, becoming the first religious adviser to join a wave of resignatio­ns amid the Charlottes­ville fallout.

“I had to fully disengage myself,” said A R Bernard, who leads the 37,000 registered members of the Christian Cultural Centre, said on Friday.

Mr Bernard, who is black, is so far alone among the 25-member evangelica­l advisory board in stepping down.

“I think that as time progressed, you look for change. You look for consistenc­y. You look for responsibi­lity in leadership. And I didn’t see consistenc­y in a set of core values that influence and shaped his thinking,” he said.

“And when he vacillated over the last week, especially over Charlottes­ville, I had come to the point where I had to make a decision to more than just step away. I had to fully disengage myself.”

Mr Bernard’s resignatio­n came as all 16 members of the president’s committee on the arts and the humanities announced that they were stepping down. “Ignoring your hateful rhetoric would have made us complicit in your words and actions,” they told the president.

Mr Trump had come under fire from Republican­s and Democrats after insisting that white supremacis­ts and anti-racism protesters were equally to blame for the violence in which a women was killed at the rally in the town of Charlottes­ville.

The president’s remarks led many chief executives to resign from White House business advisory panels. In the end, the president simply dissolved two of the.

Mr Bernard said he felt Mr Trump had crossed a line with the comments.

Yesterday, Mr Trump tweeted his thanks to Mr Bannon.

“I want to thank Steve Bannon for his service. He came to the campaign during my run against Crooked Hillary Clinton — it was great. Thanks,” he wrote.

Mr Bannon, a hero of the socalled “alt right”, had become the nucleus of one of several competing power centres in a chaotic White House.

With Mr Trump under fire over his response to the Charlottes­ville violence, the president faced renewed pressure to let Mr Bannon go.

It remains to be seen what role he will continue to play from outside the White House, but Mr Bannon vowed to keep pushing the presidents right-wing agenda, as he returned to his former home at the ultra-conservati­ve website Breitbart News.

“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” he said within hours of leaving the White House.

 ?? Reuters ?? A large crowd demonstrat­e against the self-styled Boston Free Speech Rally in Massachuse­tts yesterday
Reuters A large crowd demonstrat­e against the self-styled Boston Free Speech Rally in Massachuse­tts yesterday

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