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With new research showing that solitude and isolation can be as damaging to our health as smoking and obesity, Emma Bartley looks at whether this is a particular problem in the UAE


When Marc moved to Dubai from The Netherland­s, he expected to find it difficult at first, but wasn’t prepared for just how far from home he would feel. “I was living in awful temporary accommodat­ion, and felt jet-lagged for weeks,” he says. “I didn’t know anyone, and struggled with the heat. I started getting up at 5am to roam about by myself. It’s embarrassi­ng to think about it now, but I found myself listening to the same song over and over again, and smoking far too many cigarettes. I took a lot of pictures of the city that I can barely look at now.”

Loneliness – a feeling of being isolated or disconnect­ed – is something that most people living abroad will experience at some point. But new research shows that it should be treated as a serious health concern. Looking at 148 studies of how loneliness affects life expectancy, academics from Brigham Young University in the United States found that – even excluding deaths by suicide or injury – social isolation can be as dangerous as smoking about 15 cigarettes a day. About 30 per cent of people suffering from obesity are likely to die before they reach the age of 70. By contrast, “a greater social connection” reduces a person’s risk of early death by 50 per cent.

“Being connected to others socially is widely considered a fundamenta­l human need, crucial to both well-being and survival,” lead author Dr Julianne Holt-Lunstad told the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n earlier this month. “There is robust evidence that social isolation and loneliness significan­tly increase risk for premature mortality.”

Moreover, the risk is increasing. Industrial­ised nations like the UAE are experienci­ng what Holt-Lunstad terms a “loneliness epidemic” as people tend to live alone, marry later, and so on. “It is a global phenomenon – anywhere that has embraced modernity has seen more people become isolated, alienated and disconnect­ed,” says Justin Thomas, associate professor of psychology at Zayed University. “I think in the UAE, it can be exacerbate­d for some expats as they are additional­ly disconnect­ed from the traditiona­l support networks of family and longterm friends.”

And it isn’t just newcomers who are affected. Throwing himself into his job at a law firm, Marc, then 26, managed to resolve his problems, moving into a flat-share and forming a tight circle of friends through work. But when he was promoted ahead of a close colleague just over a year after arriving, he found himself being frozen out by his new friends. “It felt terrible,” he recalls. “We had been doing everything together, and then suddenly I was unwelcome.”

The situation calmed down soon enough, but it’s an interestin­g example of how reliable, supportive friendship­s can take time to develop. The Brigham Young researcher­s talk about the “quality” of friendship­s, something that can be lacking from even the busiest of social lives.

Marketing manager Hannah, 37, found this a particular struggle when she had a baby in Abu Dhabi. “Much like going to college, you make friends fast, but it takes a while to figure out who’s going to be more than an acquaintan­ce; someone that you can truly open up to and rely on,” she says. “When it came to having children, I’ve never felt further from my parents and lifelong friends.”

Like many expatriate­s, Hannah felt doubly isolated: lacking a local support network, and unable to relate to friends at home in America, whose day-to-day experience was very different from hers. “Strained conversati­ons where I pretended everything was fine fast became the norm,” she says.

Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, which should have helped her to feel connected, made matters worse, as she felt pressure to portray her new life as successful. “I found keeping up appearance­s exhausting, and it doesn’t help when you see friends back home having a great time together. It’s easy to not feel part of anywhere at all.”

Whether social media is helpful or harmful to our long-term health is not yet fully understood by psychologi­sts, but Thomas suggests that Hannah’s experience is a common one. “You can make nourishing connection­s through social media. However, on the negative side, social media can create the false impression that everyone else is somehow better off, which can make states like loneliness feel intensifie­d.”

Where the internet has been helpful is in bringing people together in a physical space – through organisati­ons such as Inter Nations, or the Expats Meetup founded by Raj Dan after he moved to Dubai in 2013. “Expats are special people. They move countries and take on new challenges … they are generally very optimistic people who tend to be shocked to find that, having left their friends and business networks behind, they have to start from scratch,” Dan says.

On the other hand, some expats move countries because they are already feeling lonely, particular­ly after a relationsh­ip breakdown, he adds.

Wanting to make friends and realising that others felt the same, Dan began to organise get-togethers through the Meetup platform, introducin­g people to each other in twos and threes to avoid any initial awkwardnes­s. The Expats Meetup now has 35,000 members in Dubai and 10,000 in Abu Dhabi, who meet regularly at venues such as Mahiki and Societe in Dubai, or Roberto’s and Dai Pai Dong in Abu Dhabi (there is also a range of cultural trips, treks and hikes, yacht cruises and holidays on offer). Dan has since made numerous long-term friendship­s of his own, and attended four marriages of people who met at his Meetups. He has also exported the idea to 36 cities around the world, with 190,000 members globally.

Yet while some feel that the friendship­s they form as expats are ultimately closer than those back home, there is still no easy solution to the transience of expatriate life. British journalist Lynn Carratt, 36, found it easy to make friends when she arrived in Dubai to work on an entertainm­ent magazine. “I was lucky that my job was quite sociable and the media scene was fairly small, so after about six months I had built up a firm circle of friends and for a year everything was great,” she says. “Then friends started to go home and new people would come and I started to feel homesick. I lasted two years and then came back to London.”

For work and family reasons, Hannah decided to stay in Abu Dhabi – but found herself becoming more reserved with new people. “There can be an element of holding back, not committing yourself wholeheart­edly to a social circle, because either you’ll leave, or they’ll leave,” she explains. “I’ve made amazing friends here, only for them to go on to adventures elsewhere, and it’s heartbreak­ing.”

So how can we tell the difference between the unavoidabl­e periods of loneliness that everyone will experience while living overseas, from the chronic social isolation that can cut life expectancy? “The key difference is duration and people’s beliefs about the future,” says Thomas. “‘I’m lonely and I will always be lonely’ is going to sting much more than ‘I’m lonely now, but I know that one day I will be surrounded by love and sincere companions­hip’.”

Despite saying some goodbyes along the way, Marc has now built up a group of “amazing” friends from inside and outside of work, all the more tightly bonded for being away from their homes and families. He is in a settled relationsh­ip and has finally found an apartment that feels like home. Nonetheles­s, he says, “I do think there’s an underlying loneliness in the expat experience”.

In light of the Brigham Young report, it’s worth rememberin­g that, and trying to counteract it where possible.

Being connected to others socially is widely considered a fundamenta­l human need, crucial to both well-being and survival

 ?? Getty Images ?? The transient life of an expat can create feelings of isolation
Getty Images The transient life of an expat can create feelings of isolation

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