The National - News

Boys who perished trying to save their friend are heroes


In reference to your article, Families stricken with grief after four boys drown at Abu Dhabi farm (September 7), these children are heroes. They tried to save their friend at all costs. What a tragic incident. My heart goes out to the parents. Ahmad M.Khandaqji, Dubai

The tragedy that has befallen the families is extremely sad. Swimming is a life skill and I hope schools can eventually introduce swimming classes so that accidents like these are avoided. Nadia Sarie, Dubai

Please teach your children how to swim. This is not the first such story to surface, nor will it be the last if children (and adults, for that matter) are not taught how to swim. Swimming is a skill that would save many lives. Ninja Lang, Finland

I hope swimming pools can be built inside public gardens, and public beaches with cheap entry fees can be opened. Mohammed Faisal, Abu Dhabi

What a heartbreak­ing story. It was so brave of them to jump in to save each other knowing they themselves couldn’t swim. Belinda Wallington, UK

This is terribly sad. One of the boys is the son of a bus monitor at our school. He used to be at school with her regularly and joined all our field trips.

May you rest in peace, sweet angels. Sabrina Henry, Abu Dhabi

A safety fence is definitely needed at the pond. May these children rest in peace. Maryam Gualon Sanchez, Dubai

I am so sad for these families. What a terrible burden of grief to have to carry. Lynne-Marie Hickey, USA

This is so tragic and sad. I just cannot begin to imagine how the families must be feeling right now. Name withheld by request

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